Chapter 35: Kiss, Kiss, Fall In Love

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Sihyeon laughed loudly, sitting on her bed with Jisung facing her, both of them laughing at something they had forgotten about long ago. Now, only what remained was the cheerful giggles and loud, booming laughter.

She hadn't felt such joy in a long time, and that was evident by the way her eyes creased into little slits. And she dared to say the same about Jisung, judging by his heavy breathing between his peals of laughter.

"I could kiss you right now," she spoke, and Jisung looked at her, with just so much love in his eyes.

It didn't take him long to take her face in his hands, leaning in closer to her. Both of them had closed their eyes, inching towards each others' faces, when they heard a loud boom.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Jisung yelled, and both of them sprinted to the source of the boom - the kitchen. And walking in there, they witnessed a marvelous disaster.

The kitchen drawers were blasting with chocolate chip biscuits, trashing the kitchen with a chocolaty odor.

"OH, MY GOD!" Sihyeon shrieked, she and her boyfriend both running inside to put an end to the blast. That's when she heard Jiwon scolding from the other room, and terrified of her reaction to the ordeal, she had only one idea.

Sihyeon stuffed all the biscuits inside her mouth and choked to death.

"AH!" she woke up with a start, panting for air on her bed. That's when she looked at the time, 3:14 AM, and realized that it was just a dream.

And a strange one at that.

Hoping she hadn't woken up Jiwon, she quietly slipped her feet into her slippers and slowly creaked open the door of her room, heading to the kitchen to make sure that the chocolate chip biscuits were still in their respective packets. Just to be extra sure.

She immediately scurried over to her room to close the door and find her phone. Without thinking, she dialed Jisung's number, and halfway through the process, when the call was still dialing, she realized that he could be sleeping. Shrieking, she hung up, sighing.

What a hot mess!

Not even three seconds later, her phone buzzed with a call, and it displayed Jisung's name.

"Gosh, I probably woke him up," Sihyeon muttered guiltily, picking up the call and hesitantly letting out a small, "Hello?"

"Did you dream of me?" she could hear him smirk, even though that wasn't exactly possible.

"How do you know?" she was surprised but tried her best not to exclaim.

"Wait, I'm right?" Jisung muttered, genuinely pleasantly shocked.

"Yeah! I dreamt that we were about to kiss, and then-"

"Wait, what?" he interrupted her.

"Yeah, we were about to kiss, and suddenly, it was practically raining biscuits-"


"Kiss, kiss, fall in love, but that's not the point," Sihyeon continued, but then she realized what he was freaking out about, and she fell silent.

Jisung chuckled from the other end, and spoke, "Are you so eager to kiss me, babe?"

"N-No," she lied.

"Oh, is that it?" he grinned, "You do know that I can tell when somebody is lying, right?"

"Yeah, whatever," Sihyeon spoke, "To be honest..."


She blushed when she spoke,

"I-I do want to, you know... kiss you."


"I-I do want to, you know... kiss you."

Jisung himself wasn't ready to hear that. As he looked back at the room he had walked out of to receive the call - where he was working with the rest of 3RACHA on a new track - he saw Changbin trying to sneak glances at him. And Jisung sure was heavily blushing.

"R-Really?" he asked, and then heard her laugh.

"Did I just make you nervous?" she actively responded.

"Excuse me? I'm the one in charge of making you blush!"

"Uh huh?"

"Okay, here's a deal," Jisung spoke, "We'll meet at your place tomorrow, and we'll kiss. Let's see who blushes first."


With that, the call ended, and as Jisung walked back into the chamber where Chan and Changbin sat, Chan started giggling.

"What?" Jisung questioned.

"Your face is red!" Changbin teased, "Were you on a call with Sihyeon?"


"You're whipped, Han Jisung," Chan laughed, making Changbin laugh along and the youngest one avert his eyes in embarrassment.



If possible, please spread the word about this book, because the third book won't make sense if nobody reads this one, since SUGAR DADDY just recently hit 180K (OMG) and this one ain't being read as much. Thanks for reading, love youuuu!!) 

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