Chapter 21: The Dramatic One

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"Yeah, Sihyeon?" 

"I'm not single anymore." 

Jiwon spat out the water she was drinking, "You are what?!" 

"Not single," Sihyeon had a smug smile on her face. She stood, leaning on the kitchen counter, her arms folded before her chest. She had a feeling that Jiwon would freak out, and it proved to be correct. 

"Sihyeon," Jiwon inhaled and exhaled, "I know you love yourself, but kissing your mirror doesn't mean that you're not single anymore." 

"Ew! Why would I kiss my mirror? People do that?" 

"...People don't do that?" 

Sihyeon shook her head furiously, "That's not the point." 

"Right..." Jiwon composed herself. At the moment, mirror-kissing wasn't more important than saving Jisung's dying love. Seriously, his love story was more tragic than Titanic. 

Still a better love story than Twilight, though. 

"So, wanna know who my man is?" Sihyeon wiggled her eyebrows. 

Jiwon dreaded, "Who?" 

"Lee Felix." 

"WHAT?" Jiwon completely lost her mind at that part. She stomped up to her roommate and shook her by the shoulders, "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! Come outta your dreams!" 

"But I'm not dreaming?" 

Jiwon psychotically laughed, "This is a joke, isn't it? Ahahahaha, my stomach hurts from laughing too muc-" 

"You're scaring me, Jiwon," Sihyeon stepped backward, cautious. 

"Oh, am I? AM I?" Jiwon pulled at her own hair, "This isn't supposed to happen!" 

"Are you not happy that I'm finally in a loving relationship?" 


"Correction: in a relationship," Sihyeon nervously laughed, not wanting to trigger her more than she already was. She had never seen her act so psychotic... or dramatic, even.

"I need a second," Jiwon sat down on the kitchen tiles and breathed in and out. 

"Inhale... exhale," Sihyeon helped her calm down relatively. Fifteen minutes later, after the little meditation session, Jiwon sadly smiled at her friend, "Are you sure about this relationship?" 

"Of course! You know how much I love Felix," Sihyeon exaggerated, "And get this: we get to date our biases! How lucky could we even be?!" 

"True..." Jiwon gloomily spoke, "Excuse me, I gotta make a call." 

While Jiwon stood up to go to her room, Sihyeon knew exactly who she was going to call. Han Jisung, of course. The man who almost made her like him, and then played with her feelings. 

Sihyeon smugly smiled, "Doesn't it feel so good to be bad? Oh wait, have I heard that quote before...?" 

Meanwhile, Jiwon locked her room's door and dialed up Jisung's number. As soon as he picked up her call, she panicked, "Jisung!" 

"Jiwon!" she heard Jisung mimic her with as much energy. 

"Something bad happened!" 


"Sihyeon is... dating someone..." Jiwon breathed out. 

"....What? Who is it?" Jisung seemed alarmed, judging by his voice. 




Jisung stomped up to the younger Aussie's room, knocking vehemently. 

Inside the room, Felix was explaining the entire ordeal to Chan, who was disappointed in his kids. 

As Jisung furiously knocked, Felix trembled and opened the window. 

"What are you doing?" Chan questioned, watching him put a leg over the sill. 

"I'm going to jump out and return to Australia. Nice knowing you, mate. Goodbye!" 

Before Felix could swing his other leg out of the window, Chan locked his arms around his petite body and pulled him inside, with Felix thrashing in his grip, "Let me go! Let me go before Jisung breaks the door and-" 

Jisung broke through the door. 

Felix let out the most shrill, girly scream ever. 

"FELIX!" Jisung yelled. 

"SPARE ME, JISUNGIE!" Felix yelled back. 




"...What am I even watching?" Jeongin leaned against the door, eating popcorn. 

"Felix is dating Sihyeon, apparently," Chan eyed the two. 

Jeongin dropped the popcorn. 

"Alright, why is everyone so dramatic today?" Chan raised his eyebrows. 

"Did someone call?" Hyunjin's head peeked from the door. 

"No, Hyunjin." 

(a/n: to be continued...

This entire chapter was so dramatic istg i had too much coffee) 

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