Chapter 25: Football

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"Is this happening for real?!" Sihyeon yelled, entering their shared apartment, and Jiwon rushed behind her to shut the door and console her best friend.

Sihyeon dropped to the sofa and stared at the floor in dismay, still not able to believe what Jisung had said.

He wanted to settle down? At the age of what, twenty? He was just bluffing. He couldn't be serious. No, he wasn't serious. He was just being silly, right?

A tear slipped down her left eye.

"Sihyeon," Jiwon crouched down before her, wiping the tear off her cheek and frowning, "Sihyeon, Sihyeon, please don't take him seriously."

"Of course! Why would I take him seriously? Did he ever take me seriously?" she exclaimed, blinking back the tears and standing up, racing across the living room, "No, right? He was just playing with me- Wait, I shouldn't say that."

Sihyeon stopped before Jiwon and kept her hand on her shoulders, "I'm sorry for freaking out. I... I wish you two a happy life-"

"Wait, wait- What the heck?" Jiwon grimaced, "We're not marrying!"

"I don't want you both to break up because I'm freaking out!"

"You're not-"

"Listen to me, okay?" Sihyeon breathed in and out, and then continued, "I'm so, so sorry, but I think... I think that I feel something for Jisung. Something very strong. It's like- like I have kinda started liking him more than I should. And the fact that I'm ruining my best friend's relationship is eating me up. I'm sorry, Jiwon! I can't help it!"

By now, she was freely crying, sobbing and whimpering and rapidly wiping her tears in a rough manner.

"No, hold up," Jiwon shook her head, "Jisung and I are not dating."

"What the..." Sihyeon halted, "What?"

"It was just some fake dating!" Jiwon explained, frustrated, "He likes you, and he wanted to get your attention, so he told me that we could pretend to date and make you jealous. But you and Felix? We didn't see that coming. That's why he must have been salty and said that settling down shit today."

Sihyeon stopped functioning.

She said what?

"So you weren't...?"

"No, we weren't."

Sihyeon suddenly started laughing maniacally. She laughed her lungs out, bending over and sitting on the floor, still loudly chuckling. Jiwon looked down at her, concerned.

"Bro, you're scaring me."

"Why are all of us so stupid?!" Sihyeon yelled, suddenly fuming with anger, "Felix and I were pretending to date too! Just so I could give him a taste of what he did to me!"

"...What did Jisung even do to you?"

She stood up, "He played with my feelings! Like, telling me he liked me and then dating my best friend? I did think he was playing with me..."

"Oh, god!" Jiwon facepalmed, stressed, "All four of us ruined what there could've been between you and Jisung! What the actual-"

"Let's just... forget this," Sihyeon stated monotonously.

"What?" Jiwon faced her.

"This is too toxic. It'll just... it won't work, Jiwon."

"Are you sure about that?" Jiwon asked softly.

"Yes. They might be our idols who we adore, but we'll always just be fans. Nothing more, nothing less," Sihyeon's heart dropped as she said that. It hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.

No, seriously, it hurt a lot. She was truly crestfallen.

"Bros before hoes?" she spoke, a sliver of smile breaking through the dried tears.

"Bros before hoes."


"Bros before hoes."

"Don't call her a hoe!" Jisung thundered at Felix; the poor boy was just trying to console his 'soulmate', who was shaken to the core after the mind-blowing episode that had occurred with the two girls.

"I'm just trying to make you happy..." Felix pouted.

"I'm sorry," Jisung apologized. He knew that Felix wasn't the one at fault. He just did what he believed was right.

"Jisungie?" Felix spoke hesitantly.


"Okay, don't scream at me, but... Sihyeon and I were fake dating... because she likes you."


"You? Were? Doing? What?" Jisung's mind malfunctioned. Was he the player, or was he the one getting played? Did that make him a football?

"I'm a football?" Jisung said out loud.

"Huh?" Felix narrowed his eyes.

"I messed everything up! We both like each other! Oh, my god!" Jisung panicked, "I need to call her!"

He slid his phone out of his pocket, and dialed Sihyeon's number, but the line ended immediately. He tried again, but he got the same response again.

"Did she... block me?"

"Wait, I'll call her too," Felix spoke, and dialed her number as well. However, he got the same result as Jisung.

"Call Jiwon!"

Blocked, yet again.

The two idols looked at each other,

"What have we done?"

(a/n: hehe oops)

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