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"Bye!" Aisha cheerfully waved at the group, walking out of the main entrance of the dorm with Chan.

"Bye bye!" Felix waved back.

"Don't do anything naughty," Minho was quick to shout out.

"Yeah, yeah, stop," Chan shook his head, closing the door behind him. Jisung watched as Chan and Aisha vanished from his sight.

"Guys, I wonder what goes on with them," Jeongin spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Changbin asked.

"Like, how do things work in a relationship? I've never been in one, so I have literally no idea what couples do," Jeongin honestly confessed.


"When are you gonna grow up?" Changbin sighed, "So dramatic."

"But seriously though, what happens in a relationship?" Jeongin couldn't help but ask.

Jisung thought over it. He had been in countless pointless relationships when he was in highschool, but ever since he joined the company, he had been single.

Well, except those mindless flings on Daddy Material.

Truth to be told, he was initially cringing due to that app, but now, watching Chan and Aisha have a healthy, beautiful relationship, he couldn't help but curse himself over for not going to the good side of the app.

Like, he had gotten enough nudes for his time there, but he hasn't ventured over to the genuine romantic side of it... if there was.

"Ask Chan," Seungmin told Jeongin, "Out of all of us, he's the one who's the best at these things."

"Yeah, and remember how we always used to call him hopeless in romance?" Hyunjin laughed.

"Yeah! Now he's the one we need to go to get relationship advice from," Felix laughed along.

"Hey! I gave him advice first!" Jisung finally spoke something, having kept uncharacteristically quiet for the entirety of the discussion.

"But you're single," Hyunjin deadpanned.

"And horny," Felix added and laughed.

"No!" Jisung protested.

"You're gonna remain single forever, bro," Minho smirked.

"No, I won't!" Jisung argued, "I'll prove it to you all!"

"Okay... How?" Seungmin questioned.

Jisung didn't hesitate when he declared,

"I'm going on Daddy Material!"


"I'm going on Daddy Material!"

Sihyeon laughed, and her roommate, Jiwon, sighed in disappointment.

"Don't go on that site, it's very unsafe," Jiwon scolded her.

"Chill, I'm gonna have a fling and I'll be good," Sihyeon dismissively waved a hand at her.

"I bet you'll only find horny teenagers who want nudes from girls like you," Jiwon predicted.

"What do you mean by 'girls like you'? You mean hot girls like me?" Sihyeon innocently smiled, making Jiwon sigh for the umpteenth time.

The two, sitting on the couch in the living room of their apartment, were staring at Sihyeon's phone's screen, devouring a whole packet of wafers.

"Fine, but don't blame me when something goes wrong," Jiwon spoke, accepting defeat.

"What could possibly go wrong?"

"That you might encounter a pedo, or maybe you enter a toxic relationship with a person you don't even know?"

"Bro, don't worry. I'll date you if I could," Sihyeon winked at Jiwon, and she laughed at her, slapping her arm.

"I'm gonna go take a nap," Jiwon got off the couch, stretching her arms.

"It's like 2 in the noon! How much do you sleep?" Sihyeon complained.

"Sleep is life. Goodbye," Jiwon saluted and walked off.

"Yeah, bye..." Sihyeon trailed off, thinking of a username for herself.

And minutes later, after heavy brainstorming, she had one for herself (even though it was weird, she wasn't exactly worried about being judged).




"I'm judging that person so hard," Seungmin stated.

"I don't think you'll find a potential partner in that person," Jeongin spoke up.

"But the app matched me with this person," Jisung reasoned. He tapped on the profile to see a picture of a girl whose face was hidden with a baseball cap, and her bio read:

21, I like photography and animals.

"She's a year older than you! You finally found yourself a noona!" Hyunjin exclaimed, seal-clapping.

"Shush," Jisung made a poker face at him, making him laugh.

"So you're gonna do this?" Changbin asked.

"Of course, he will! He has to prove himself!" Minho shrugged.

Jisung took a deep breath, and finally said,

"Well, let's try this."

(a/n: yes I'm using the Everglow members XD

This chapter is actually pretty long, though it could've been better, but I ssgshsoegeksjs)

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