Chapter 22: Steal My Girl

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"This is like a K-drama I never watched," Hyunjin remarked, nodding approvingly.

"Yeah, he would know," Changbin said.

At the moment, all of the boys were crowding the little room that Chan, Felix, and Jisung were initially in. Jisung was fuming, and Felix was suffering inside.

I mean, who wouldn't? He had promised Sihyeon that he wouldn't disclose the secret, and after Rapunzel, he was the one who wouldn't break his promises.

"Everybody wanna steal my girl," Jisung huffed.

"Everybody wanna take her heart away," Jeongin started singing.

"Couple billion in the whole wide world," Minho joined in too.

"FIND ANOTHER ONE 'CAUSE SHE BELONGS TO ME!" Jisung yelled aggressively at Felix.

"Yo, why are we singing?" Chan narrowed his eyes.

"So that was supposed to convince him to break up with her?" Seungmin sarcastically clapped, "So effective, good job."

"Do you have a better idea?" Jisung snapped.

"You're the one to say? Don't you think this is happening because of your superb idea?"


Chan stepped in, "Seungmin is right, Jisung. If we assume that she liked you, then you broke her heart by dating her best friend. It's not her fault."

"What about Felix?" Jisung stood agape.

"Me? I just wanted to be sort of emotional support to her! She was so disappointed in you!" Felix panicked.

"See?" Seungmin folded his arms.

"What do I do?" Jisung questioned, troubled.

"Uh... let's ask Minho?" Chan spoke, and everyone turned to Minho, sitting on a chair... busy typing away on his phone.

"Yah! Are you even listening?" Changbin complained.

"What?" Minho looked up; staring at everyone else's disappointed faces.

"Forget it," Jisung waved his hand in dismissal.

"Cool," Minho shrugged, unlocking his phone and typing again. Chan sighed.

"I think you should tell her the truth," Jeongin chimed in, "She might be mad at you first, but she would eventually forgive you. It's better than hurting her this way."

"Will she really forgive me?" Jisung made puppy eyes.

"...It's a fifty-fifty chance."


"Guys, we don't even know if she actually likes him or not," Hyunjin spoke like the smartest one in the room.

"Point," Chan nodded.

"So the scene is... We don't know whether she knows that we know about her feelings, or if it doesn't exist at all," Seungmin said, and Jisung almost passed out with the amount of confusion.

"That is as confusing as the plot of Attack on Titan," Jisung blinked.

"I stopped listening after 'the scene is'," Felix agreed.

"What do we conclude with?" Changbin asked.

"That she must know the truth," Chan finalized.

"And what do I d-" Felix couldn't complete before Jisung intervened, "Shush, my kid; your life is my life now."

"Sungie, for the last time – I ain't your kid."

"But you could be!"

"But I'm not?"

"Are you sure about that?"


(a/n: next updates will be quick, istg. I decided to only update this book for the next two weeks, so yeah! Quick updates from now on! Thanks for reading!) 

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