Chapter 43: The Realization

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Surfing through the camera roll of her professional camera, Sihyeon kept aimlessly clicking on the button that displayed the next picture. There was a lot on her mind, especially Jisung's voice ringing in her ears:

I truly love you. Sihyeon.

Her heart rate quickened just at the thought of him saying that.

Truth be told, she had to wait for a couple of minutes after ending the call so that it could sink in. Yes, she knew that someday their relationship could lead up to that, but did it have to be so early?

But surprisingly, she didn't detest that.

As the photos kept passing by, her finger stopped clicking at that picture of Jisung that she clicked when they had gone to the forest area to click pictures; where they both had opened up their hearts and told each other what made them who they were.

She unconsciously smiled at it, the tip of her index finger caressing the screen of the device where his face was.

She liked him. Maybe way too much.

But could it be called love? She didn't know.

"Jiwon!" she cried, and soon enough, the girl walked in, "You called?"

"There's a crisis!"

Jiwon sighed, "What have you done again?"

"I... I told Jisung that I loved him when I was drunk."

Jiwon stopped functioning for a minute, and finally spoke, "I don't think I heard you clearly-"




"You need therapy."

With that, Jiwon proceeded to walk out of the room, and Sihyeon got off her bed to catch her before she went off.

"Help me!" Sihyeon begged, "I don't know what to do!"

"...Alright," Jiwon sighed again, "Be a best friend, they said. It would be fun, they said."

"That ain't the worst part..." Sihyeon slowly spoke.

"What more is there?" Jiwon whined in disappointment.

"He told me that he loves me too..."

Jiwon screamed, "OH, MY GOD?"



"Yeah-" Sihyeon couldn't even complete her sentences.


"I think so?"


"I don't know!" Sihyeon yelled, "I'm so confused!"

Jiwon quieted down after that, and thinking over it, she spoke, "Look, I don't know how attached you are to him, but from a person who observes, I can say that you're whipped. Like, look at yourself. You keep talking about him, and even now! Take a look at your camera!"

She pointed at the camera on the bed, displaying Jisung with that same yellow butterfly, looking ethereal as ever.

Sihyeon breathed in, "So you're implying that...?"

"Ask yourself that. If you truly love him."

Sihyeon went into a state of deep thought. Suddenly, she didn't need any proof to understand how much she liked him; as if those shreds of evidence were proven useless, and those inhibitions in her mind false.

She did love him, after all.

"Oh, my god!" she exclaimed, "I probably disappointed Jisung when he confessed!"


"I need to tell him what I feel! Hurry up, we're going to the dorm!"

(a/n: next up is the epilogue! And I'll also disclose the name of the third book, and the idol I'm choosing, in the next chapter!

Thanks for reading so far! I love you!) 

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