Chapter 15- Journey to Helm's Deep

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Gimli was speaking to Eowyn about the differences between male and female dwarves. How the topic had come to that Diana didn't know. 

Gimli continued the topic as Eowyn walked besides the horse he was on. "It's true, you don't see many dwarf women and, in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they're often mistaken for dwarf men." 

Eowyn turned her head around to Aragorn, who whispered as he moved his hand down from his chin. "It's the beards." 

Eowyn turned her head back around, smiling, as Gimli continued. "This in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!" he and Eowyn laughed before he quickly added, "Which is of course, ridiculous." 

Gimli let out a laugh, before the horse he was on, raced forward and he toppled sideways. Aragorn was smiling and Diana tried to keep a smirk off of her face as they watched Eowyn rush to Gimli's side. 

"It's alright. Nobody panic. It was deliberate, it was deliberate." Eowyn smiled at Aragorn as she brushed the dirt off Gimli's back. 

Aragorn and Diana's horse rode next to the king as they watched Eowyn. "I have not seen my niece smile for a long time." his voice was wistful. "She was a girl when they brought her father back dead...cut down by orcs." 

Diana's heart stung. Her father was cut down by orcs, when her mother was still pregnant with her. 

"She watched her mother succumb to grief...then she was left alone, to tend to her king in growing fear," Theoden continued. "Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father." he kicked his horse forward and galloped past the siblings.

Eowyn soon came back oblivious to what was said, a smile on her face.

 They rode on for a few more hours until the king decided to set up camp. Most of the women were cooking over fires to feed those who needed it. 

Diana lay down her head on her brothers chest as he lay, reclined against a rock, drowsiness in his eyes. "How long has it been since you three have had any sleep?" she asked 

"Four days," came Legolas's reply as he passed by and she glared at both of them. "Gimli!" a familiar voice called. 

Diana looked up from glaring at the boys and Legolas left the siblings alone. She offered the dwarf a bowl of stew and he recoiled. "No! I couldn't!" he objected, making his way past her. Her eyes made their way to Aragorn who was stroking his sister's hair. "I made some stew," she declared, offering the bowl to Aragorn. "It isn't much, but it's hot." 

He took the bowl from her hand and smiled. "Thank you." 

Diana could see and smell the contents of the bowl and she threw up in her mouth a little. Her brother took an uneasy bite and instantly looked ill. To his disadvantage, Eowyn looked at him expectantly, waiting for his approval. He nodded stiffly. "It's good," he lied.

"Really!" exclaimed Eowyn. She seemed happy and turned around.

Aragorn tilted his bowl to dispose of it's contents, but she turned around. In a flash he pretended to be enjoying the stew, burning his hand in the process. His lip curled into a pain expression and Diana tried to keep the smile from her lips. 

"My uncle told me a strange thing," Eowyn smiled. "He said you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather, but he must be mistaken." 

"King Theoden has a good memory," her brother exhaled. "He was only a small child, at the time." "Then you must be at least sixty!" she kneeled besides Aragorn examining his face. 

Diana laughed. "Seventy?" she guessed, gaining a chuckle from Aragorn. "But you cannot be eighty!"

"Eighty seven," Diana said for her brother. She gasped. "Is this true?" she stood to her feet. He nodded. "Then you are both one of the Dunedain." she whispered in astonishment. "A descendant of Numenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your race has passed into legend." she rambled.

"There are a few of us left," her brother answered. "The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago." 

"I'm sorry!" she apologized before turning to his sister.  "How old are you?" she asked. "Seventeen." the girl answered. Eowyn nodded. "Please eat!" she gestured to the bowl in his hands.

"Yes Aragorn. You need to eat. I'm going to go find Legolas." Diana said as she left her brother, ignoring his pleading looks. 

Lucikly she found the elf, alone. "Hey," she said sighing and he wrapped an arm around her waist. "The sunset's so beautiful." she stated as she gazed at it, the wind playing with her hair making it swirl around her face.

"Not as beautiful as you," he whispered staring at Diana. She blushed "Boromir, spoke of you before he passed you know. He said you would be a kind and great queen." he said and a tear slipped from her eye.

"I wonder what would have happened if I could save him." she whispered and Legolas nodded. "It wasn't your fault." he whispered. "Don't part from my side again." Legolas pleaded and she looked up at him.

They slowly inched closer to each other before she stopped. "I'm going to go to Aragorn. Make sure you sleep. Otherwise I will annoy you until you fall  asleep." she said and ran off to go back to her brother.

She laid her head on his chest and together they fell asleep, listening to each others calm breathing


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did feel free to vote and comment. I hope you have a great rest of your day/night. 

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