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"Feel like a criminal yet?"

Bucky and Sam rolled their eyes at Zemo, who was confidently strutting behind them. The man zipped up his jacket and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I won't hesitate to put your ass back in jail," Sam threatened.

"You won't," Zemo retorted.

"Oh, and why's that?"

"You need me," he answered simply, "For example, if this woman cannot provide assistance, then you are left with only yourselves for your mission."

Bucky stopped in his spot and interrupted them, "She'll help us. I just can't be the one she talks to first."

"Why not?"

He grimaced and was reluctant to answer. Sam instantly recognized the face and groaned, "What did you do?"

Bucky glared.

"How many times did you shoot her?" Zemo asked, correcting the question. Sam's eyes widened as Bucky began to refute the accusation.

"I never-"

Sam cut him off with a knowing look. Bucky sighed and grit his teeth, reluctantly answering.

"I may have shot her once."

Zemo raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Or twice."

Sam placed his hands on his hips and copied Zemo's expression. Bucky threw out his hands in frustration from the harping.

"Okay, fine, I shot her three times!"

Sam nodded in satisfaction, "There we go."

Bucky scoffed and held out a hand to bring them back to focus, "Sam, you will approach her as she leaves the market. Zemo and I will watch and wait in case you need backup."

"That's it?" Zemo questioned, "What if she doesn't want to talk? Will you force her to help?"

"Easier said than done."

Bucky glanced over his shoulder at the market exit. He pushed Sam forward as he spotted their target walking out.

"You're up."

He nodded in understanding and started following the woman. Bucky had shown him a profile picture that he'd somehow come to access. Even as he followed her, he could tell she was cleverly disguised.

Unbeknownst to him, she knew she was being followed. As a former assassin for Hydra, she knew how to look over her shoulder. And quite frankly, Sam wasn't trying very hard to be subtle.

She also noticed that her mortal enemy was with
him, so she decided to take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

She rolled her eyes and weaved through the people on the street. She blended into a group and ditched her jacket amongst them, changing her appearance before revealing herself again.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows as he rushed forward to find her again. He picked up the discarded jacket and looked around, seeking out the woman he'd lost track of.

He sighed and spoke into his ear piece, "I lost her."

Bucky huffed and looked out from his spot in the alley. He muttered a curse under his breath and tried to contact Zemo. He already knew that if they lost sight of her, it was a lost cause without using force.

He pulled out his gun from behind his back and checked it. But as he held it in his hands, he felt the familiar point of the gun press into his back.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now