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"Just one, please."

Bucky leaned against the desk at the motel and requested a room. Anna stood behind him with her bag hanging off her shoulders.

Ever since their kiss, there had been some awkwardness between them. Neither of them had really spoken since it happened.

She shuffled her feet and looked around while waiting for Bucky. Once he got the keys, he led them out and down to where their room was.

He unlocked the door and held it open for her. She walked in first and looked around the musty room. She wrinkled her nose at the smell.

"It's not the worst," she shrugged, "I once spent the night in a motel with a raccoon in my shower. I had to lock the door and wait for the manager to come get it."

Bucky laughed and shut the door behind him. He dropped his bag onto the bed closest to him.

"That's not as bad as the barracks they had at camp," he argued, "One of the guys let out a bunch of lab rats and let them crawl all over our bunks."

She smiled and set down her backpack. She looked over and saw Bucky checking his phone for messages. She knew he was on the lookout for Sam.

She nervously moved towards him. She lightly touched his arm to grab his attention. He nearly jumped when he realized how close she had gotten.

"I have a question," she stated.

At that, his attention was immediately given to her. He put his phone down and turned to face her completely.

"What is it?"

She bit her lip, "It's kind of embarrassing."

He grinned softly and grabbed her hands. He prompted her to continue. She hesitated and sharply inhaled, still reluctant to say.

"Was that your first kiss since 1945?"

Bucky was momentarily shocked before he started laughing. He was instantly reminded about how Steve told him about his first kiss since coming back as well. It was with Natasha, and she had asked the same thing.

His laughter made her ease up a little.

"Wow, that is really embarrassing," he agreed. She laughed and bowed her head with a small blush.

" wasn't bad."

He locked eyes with her. His smile softened.

"For an old man, anyway."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Of course, she'd try and make a comment at that time. She smirked and took a step closer.

"Maybe I just need a little practice," he spoke softly.

He slid his hand onto her waist and pulled her close until they were chest to chest. He craned his neck down to capture her lips again. Instead of the previously unsure and wary kiss, this one had instant reactions.

They already knew they wanted to do it again; they had just been waiting to see who would make the move.

Anna's arms came up and wrapped around his neck and shoulders, pulling him down to her height. Her hands tangled into his hair, sending him into overdrive.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now