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"Well, it's not broken."

Anna winced as Bucky let go of her face after inspection. He'd checked her nose to see if he had actually damaged it but it was nothing more than a really bad bruise.

She sighed and stood up. She threw down the numerous bloody tissues and scooped them into the trash can.

"As much as a I try to forgive you, there always seems to be another reason for wanting to punch you in the face."

He laughed, "So you've tried to forgive me?"

She lightly glared as she walked to the kitchen. She thought he was just bantering with her like normal, but it turned out to be more serious after he followed her.

"I asked you a question."

She stopped her movements and stared at him. She leaned against the counter with her hands placed firmly on the top. Her posture was both tired and anxious.

"And I neglected to answer it."

He rolled his eyes. He took a step forward to copy the same position she was in except on the other side of the counter. Seeing the action made her want to lean away but she didn't.

"Can you be honest with me this one time?" he pleaded softly.

Her tough exterior melted and her glare disappeared. They made eye contact for a brief moment before she conceded.

"I thought you wanted to kill me," he stated, "What changed?"

She sighed and shook her head in denial. She had plenty of reasons to keep it to herself, mostly because she wasn't sure she was ready to admit she forgave him just yet. And if she did, she had no clue why after she'd hated him for years.

She tried to ignore it again by reaching for a glass but he snatched her wrist. Their bodies were pulled up and over the countertop to get as close as possible without leaving their spots. Anna was yanked onto her tippy toes. Their faces got within mere inches of each other.

Bucky held onto her tightly but tenderly. He didn't want to be pushy but he needed to know. For some reason, Anna's perception of him mattered a lot.

She met his pleading eyes once again and her resolve faded.

"I wanted to kill the Winter Soldier...but I didn't want to kill Bucky Barnes"

His face fell into a mixture of shock and confusion. She took the moment of processing to move out of his grip and walk away. She left him dumbfounded in the kitchen while she went to get Sam.

She knocked on the door of the bedroom and waited for him to open it. Once he did, the two walked back out into the main room and gathered their things.

"We need to regroup and see if Torres or Sharon has anything on where Karli might've gone."

Anna picked up her jacket, "They won't have to look too hard."

Sam and Bucky, with the latter finally focusing again, stared at her with questioning expressions.

"Why?" Sam asked.

She shrugged on her jacket and tossed the other two their own.

"If I was Karli, I'd stay in the area," she stated, "You encroached on her territory, disrespected her mourning, and made her look vulnerable to attack in front of her followers. She needs to strike quickly or she'll lose power."

Bucky began to catch on to what she was saying. He nodded along slowly, "And she can't retaliate and move at the same time."

Anna nodded in agreement as they began to walk out of the apartment. They made their way down the street to find a secure network or untraceable landline. But as they walked, Sam's phone rang.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now