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"Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you pretty well."

The four of them followed Sharon into the grand building. Upon entry, they immediately saw all the high tech and classic items displayed around them.

Sharon chuckled at their amazed faces, "Well, I thought that if I had to hustle, I might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I can get for a real Monet?"

"You sell fake Monets," Sam accused.

Zemo shook his head from behind. Sam faltered to stare at the artwork as the rest of them passed.

"No, she means real Monets. This gallery specializes in stolen artwork."

Bucky nodded, "Most of the stuff in places like the Louvre are fake. The real artwork sits in places like this."

Anna walked close to a glass box with a small statue inside. She inspected it with critical eyes.

"I think I stole this a few years back," she muttered.

Sam shook his head in disbelief and pulled out his phone. He claimed the others were messing with him.

"Oh yeah? What's Google say?" Bucky asked.

They continued to follow Sharon up the stairs. But as Anna passed Sam, she heard him mumble a curse of shock.

She laughed and joined the rest of them in the upper room. Sharon gestured to the rack of clothes along the far wall.

"Dress to impress," she said simply.

Sam and Bucky grabbed clothes from the rack hesitantly. Zemo refused to change until he had a drink. And Anna didn't want to change at all.

But Sharon shoved an outfit into her arms and literally pushed her into the bathroom. Anna rolled her eyes and reluctantly changed.

As she did, she heard the others reminiscing about the chaos after the Blip happened. She heard Sharon tease Bucky and Sam about blindly following Steve but not John Walker.

Anna didn't really care about any of it. She just wanted to take down the Flag Smashers who attacked her and get on with her life.

She got tired of eavesdropping so she finished changing and stepped out of the bathroom. She was barefoot, still holding the heels in her hand. She didn't think the outfit was very flattering but it made the chatter stop.

She looked up to see Bucky staring at her. It wasn't anything new, of course, but it held a different meaning than any previous looks he'd given.

She brushed it off and walked back towards the rack of clothes, dropping the heels on the floor. She began to sift through them, looking for better options.

"Karli Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum," Sam stated, bringing their focus back to the problem.

Sharon sighed and spread her arms out over the couch, "You guys should stay out of this for your own safety."

Anna scoffed loudly, gaining their attention again. She slipped off her shirt and replaced it with a new one before speaking.

"It's funny that you think these guys have a self preservation instinct."

Zemo smirked while the rest of them rolled their eyes at her antics.

"We know it's a risk," Sam reworded, "But we can't stop until we find the one who cracked the code."

"We got a name," Bucky added, "Wilfred Nagel."

Anna slipped on new sleek pants and zipped up her heeled boots. Zemo subtly gestured to the jacket hanging at the far right.

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