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"Is she fighting someone?"

Bucky and Sam looked over to the dance floor where Zemo and Anna were moving to the beat.

"No, I think she's dancing."

They watched the pair critically from a distance, unsure on how to react to the unnatural scene.

Zemo was bopping and pumping his fist. Anna was moving smoothly and perfectly with the rhythm of the techno music. Men and woman alike ogled her from all angles. Even as she left the dance floor to get a drink, she was still watched.

She rested against the bar top and signaled for the bartender to come over. As she did, a man came to stand beside her.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

She faked a smile, "No."

The bartender came over and handed her a shot glass. She accepted it and moved to leave but the man snatched her wrist and yanked her back.

He scoffed, "Don't you think that's a little rude?"

She narrowed her eyes and ripped herself out of his grasp.


The man scowled and took a menacing step forward. But before Anna reacted, a metal arm landed on the shoulder of the man.

"She said no, pal," Bucky repeated, "Get lost."

He shoved the man away and watched him until he was fully immersed in the crowd. When he turned back around, he saw Anna downing another shot.

"Drinking on the job?"

He leaned against the counter next to her and crossed his arms. She didn't look at him as she drank more.

They sat in silence for a few moments as she drank and he contemplated. But afterwards, he turned his body to face her directly.

"Look, Anna...I'm sorry."

"Don't ruin the fun, Barnes," she warned.

He ignored her and let it all out, "I'm sorry that I killed your dad. I'm sorry that I tried to kill you."

"Repeatedly," she reminded.

He nodded.

"I'm sorry you hate me so much. And I'm sorry you feel like you don't have anyone to vouch for you. I'm just sorry...for all of it."

He waited for her response with sad eyes. He became worried when she turned to see him. Her expressions were filled with a strange emotion that reflected in her glazed eyes.

She set down her drink and moved to be closer. It was the closest she had ever dared to get. Her bottom lip trembled slightly and her face tinged pink out of growing anger.

"You have a lot of shit to make up for Barnes," she murmured, "And saying a few apologies won't cut it."

She turned on her heel and walked out of the party. She went back upstairs to the room Sharon had first brought them too. She slammed the door shut and shouted out in frustration.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now