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"Anna, I got a job for you!"

At Sam's calling, she lifted her head up from below the hatch and stared. He motioned for her to come over.

She looked down the hatch and into the small area of pipes Bucky was working in below. He couldn't hear the man so he questioned what he wanted.

"Captain's orders," she said simply.

She pulled herself up and out of the hatch. As she walked off the boat, she brushed off her oily hands on her jeans.

Once she reached Sam, she placed her hands on her hips to show she was ready for the task. He pointed at a pile of junk beside him.

"I need you to tear this shit up."

Her eyes widened in delight. Her face instantly lifted with a wide smile. She clapped her hands giddily and stole the sledgehammer out of his hand.

As she swung it over her shoulder, he ducked to avoid being hit. Anna thought she was being dramatic so she rolled her eyes.

"Try not to hit anyone," he advised.

She scoffed and readied the hammer over her shoulders, "Don't say stupid shit and I won't have to."

She brought the hammer down and gleefully hit the scrap metal. It made a loud clang with every hit, getting everyone's attention. But she kept going with a smile still planted on her face.

The noise could still be heard even as Sam retreated back to the boat. By then, Bucky had come out of the hatch. The two of them crossed their arms and watched with mild amusement.

"Well, if Karli doesn't throw in the towel, we can always pit her against Anna," Bucky stated, "It would be like two bulls in a fight."

Sam laughed loudly. The outward expression of delight spread to Bucky and the two stood with stupid grins on their faces.

Soon enough, they sat down on the boat and pulled out a couple of beers. The sun was beginning to set and everyone was going home. Anna eventually came back to find them after she'd crushed any junk they'd scraped during the day.

"Seems like you had fun," Bucky commented.

She shrugged slyly, "Crushing shit is my therapy."

Both men raised their eyebrows in shock at her admittance. She rolled her eyes at their reactions before they began to tease her.

She faked a laugh as she swiped two beer bottles from their cooler. She punched Bucky's shoulder on the way out before making her way over to Sarah, who was sitting next to a small fire pit.

She offered up the other bottle to the tired woman. Sarah smiled in thanks and sighed.

"Thank you for your help."

Anna waved it off casually.

The two sat in content silence as they drank. Sarah occasionally looked at Sam and Bucky still sitting on the boat.

"It looks like Bucky might stay awhile. But what about you? Will you go back home?" she asked.

Anna scoffed and took another swig, "I don't have a home. The place they pulled me out of was a temporary hiding place that happened to be in the middle of nowhere. But it's not home."

Sarah's face fell in sadness and pity. Anna hated the feeling she got when people felt sorry for her. It wasn't a usual feeling, but it didn't feel right nonetheless.

She sent the woman a shy smile before looking back out to see the sunset. Sarah patted her hand softly and said goodnight before walking towards Sam and Bucky.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now