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"We entered the tunnel on William. Heading south now."

After Bucky informed Sharon on their status, Anna glanced at him.

"Blondie can't keep up?"

He smirked, "Jealous?"

She glared for only a moment before Sam interrupted them. They came across an intersection of paths that led to different parts of the network.

"Split up!"

Sam took the path in front of them while Walker took the left. Bucky was about to go to the right with Anna but she stopped him, "Stay with Walker."

He was reluctant to go but he knew she could handle herself. He turned around and followed the man down the left tunnel while she ran down the right.

She pulled out her gun just in case. She eventually came across a long corridor that led into an open section. As she slowed to a walk, she thought she saw shadows dance across the walls.

She'd raise her gun to the spot in question but upon investigation, saw nothing.

"Now is not a good time to be going crazy, Anna," she muttered to herself, "Just chill out."

She stopped herself completely and holstered her gun. She pushed her sleeve up to reveal an arm gadget that was similar to the one Sam had. Hers was more sophisticated though because she had made her own improvements to the original design.

She clicked on the heat imaging and flipped up the top scanner. She moved it back and forth as she walked. The scanner looked through the walls and spotted three flag smashers creeping down the tunnel parallel to her.

She locked onto their phone's connection and sent a message through the app Torres had showed them. The message would give them the directions needed to corral them out of the tunnels.

Once it was done, she stopped and spoke to Bucky through their comms, "Headed your way."

His voice came through the mic to confirm it. After he did, she followed the imaging until she reached the exit. Once she pushed past the door, she saw Bucky and Walker standing in front of the three flag smashers. There were police cars all around them, ready to arrest the trio.

Walker stepped in front of them with a victorious smile, "Mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice."

Anna scoffed and stood by Bucky's side, "I think he means to say that your asses are busted."

The flag smashers held faces of defeat and disbelief. They held their hands up in surrender as the police came to cuff them.

"It's a great app," Bucky complimented, holding up his phone to show the message Anna had sent, "Thank you."

He nodded in respect before turning around to leave. Walker and Anna followed him, the latter getting pulled by the hand.

"Lincoln, really?" Bucky asked John.

"Great man. Great quote."

"Not when you say it."

Walker scoffed and went in a different direction to address some officials. Anna and Bucky kept going forward, nearing the ambulances where the victims of the truck fire were being tended to.

The people that had surrounded them formed a crowd of shocked civilians. They asked questions, took pictures, and exclaimed their joy and thanks.

Anna, being used to the shadows, tried to hide behind one of the ambulances. But when Bucky saw her draw back, he stopped and went back to her side.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now