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"You got ten minutes."

Sam nodded and began to take the back entrance to get to the memorial. But Anna called out his name and moved closer.

She nervously spoke in hushed tones so the others wouldn't hear her.

"Karli's just a kid. She needs someone to support her, not treat immaturely. Just don't say anything that would put down her vision for the world."

Sam softened at the new vulnerability Anna was displaying. She even twiddled her thumbs to keep herself from rambling.

"They're good ideas...just misguided."

He nodded in understanding, making a silent promise to her. She smiled in encouragement and watched him walk out into the main part of the building.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder and she turned around. Bucky motioned for her to relax and sit down while they waited. She complied and sat down on the short steps leading to the door. Both her and Bucky guarded it from Walker.

They stayed deadly silent in anxiousness, waiting for each minute to slowly tick by. The only person who seemed to make snark comments every now and then was Zemo, whom Walker had handcuffed to a boiler.

Anna bounced her leg consistently. She reached for her necklace, forgetting that she'd given it to Caralina. It seemed like a good idea at the time but she'd neglected to remember how much she fiddled with it when she was nervous.

Bucky watched over time as she struggled to stay still. While Walker and Hoskins leaned in to talk to each other, Bucky seized the opportunity to calm her down.

He moved from his spot and sat next to her. He placed his hand on her bouncing knee and pushed it down to keep it from moving again. She glanced at him briefly and remained still.

He pulled out his military dog tags from underneath his shirt and slipped them over his head. Before Anna could say anything, he put it over her head and let it rest on her neck.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"You gave your necklace to that little girl. You need something to fidget with."

"I-I can't take these," she argued. She began to take them off but he stopped her hands.

"I'll get them back later. But you need something to calm your nerves because it's knocking you off your game and it's goading on Walker."

He gestured to the man who was pacing and panting like crazy. They could see the small shine of sweat underneath his mask as well.

"I think he's having a panic attack," she commented.

Bucky merely shrugged, unbothered and unwilling to help. He noticed that as Anna observed Walker, she began to gently twirl and tug at the dog tags. He briefly smiled as she visibly calmed.

But that peace went away when Walker abruptly stormed up to them. The pair stood up from their defensive spots to keep the door guarded.

"This is a bad idea."

"It hasn't been ten minutes yet, John," Bucky reminded.

The blonde scoffed, "Don't patronize me."

"Sam knows what he's doing."

Walker ignored him and continued pacing. Anna continued to defend Bucky's point.

"Look, imagine if you sent your partner in there."

She gestured to Hoskins.

"You'd give him time and you'd trust him to make the situation better."

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now