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"What happened?"

Anna sighed and sorted through the first aid kit Zemo had provided for her. She kept her back faced to them as she recounted the story.

"By apartment got blown up, I got shot, I jumped out a window," she listed, "And all because some psychos were looking for you idiots who ruined my secluded life."

She snapped the case shut and turned around to lean against the table. She dabbed a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol around her wound after she carefully removed the bullet from its lodged place in her arm. She winced at the sting.

Bucky hesitantly stepped closer and reached out to offer his assistance, "Here, let me help."

She pulled away and moved before he could touch her. Her face was instantly filled with disgust and rage.

"I don't need your help," she snapped.

"Come on, Anna," he sighed, "If we're gonna work together-"

She scoffed and wagged her finger, "Oh no, we are not working together ever. The only reason I'm here is so that I can figure out who attacked and clean up the mess you two made."

He flashed her a look of remorse before glancing at Sam for help.

She narrowed her eyes and lowered her voice again, "Anything involving you ends in trouble...which is why I'm here to stop it before it happens."

They locked eyes in mutual understanding. Bucky remembered everything he did, especially to her. His actions against her were the most prominent memories he had, often plaguing his nightmares. He understood why she was so upset.

Anna had never felt such hatred for anyone but Bucky. She didn't always hate him, but after awhile of pain over the years, she'd come to think of him as her enemy, despite the public reassurance of Steve Rogers.

"Everything that's been bad in my life has happened because of you!" she accused, "My father tried to help you and he was killed for it. I tried to rebel against Hydra and I was hunted. And at the root cause of everything is you."

She fearlessly stepped closer to him and shoved his chest with her hand. He just silently took it, knowing he deserved it and much worse.

"Go to hell, Barnes."

She grabbed the first aid kit and stormed away from him. As she passed Zemo, she snatched the glass of whiskey out of his hand and downed it. She kept walking until she reached the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Zemo scoffed and sat up to get another drink, "She's a handful...I like her."

Sam rolled his eyes. He turned to face Bucky, who had joined Zemo in getting a drink. But his drink seemed to be more out of guilt and anger towards himself rather than leisure.

"What does she mean by her father tried to help you?"

He waited for Bucky to answer but the man neglected to answer. So Zemo took it upon himself to answer for him.

"Her father was Dr. Fredrick Kane, a brilliant scientist for Hydra. He was responsible for the continual success of the programming used in the Winter Soldier. But over time, he tried to fix his sins by building a machine that would give James his memories back with complete control."

"I'm guessing that didn't work out," Sam commented. Bucky scoffed and poured another glass down his throat.

"No, it didn't," Zemo confirmed, "Hydra ordered James to kill Dr. Kane and Annabelle. He was successful with her father but never herself."

Sam sighed and glanced at Bucky. The man seemed uncomfortable with the retelling, even though he knew every detail of it.

Sam recognized the look of guilt, "You weren't yourself, Buck."

"I killed a man who was trying to help me," he snapped. He held his glass so tightly that it cracked, but he barely noticed. He pointed to the closed bathroom door where Annabelle was, "And then I tried to kill his daughter. I hunted her, Sam."

His rant was interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open. Annabelle sauntered out with fresh bandages around her arm and a washed up appearance.

She threw the first aid kit on the couch and stood in the center of the living room. She placed her hands on her hips in an authoritative manner.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I wanna know who attacked me and why," she demanded, "Then I wanna know where to find the bastards so I can put them down."

Sam stood up and held his hands out to calm her violent instincts.

"That group goes by the name of the Flag Smashers. Have you heard of them?"

She shrugged, "I saw them on the news a few times. Mostly chatter though."

"Not chatter anymore," he stated, "They're raiding GRC supply runs and causing riots around the world."

Zemo stepped forward, "We're trying to track them down through one of my contacts in Madripoor."

Anna scoffed, "Madripoor? That overrated island filled with criminals?"

"That's the one."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Well, let's get to it then."

The three men glanced at each other warily. Sam was the only one to speak their thoughts.

"So does that mean you'll help us?"

She shook her head vigorously, "No, no, no, I'm here to help myself. Once I'm in the clear, you fellas are on your own."

Sam dared to challenge her. He stepped forward and looked down to meet her eyes.

"Let's make one thing clear: while you're with us, you follow our rules. That means no killing."

She narrowed her eyes at the command. Even if she liked someone, she didn't like when people told her not to do something. It only made her want to do it more.

"I'll kill whoever I need to kill," she whispered, "Even if it's you or your buddy Barnes."

Sam's nostrils flared while Bucky tensed up from behind the counter. The latter could tell that the two would come to an impasse unless someone intervened.

"No killing," he repeated. He moved out from his spot and walked closer, coming to Sam's side. She turned her glare on him but he stayed strong.

"But if things don't go the way you want, and we all come out of this can kill me yourself."

Her eyes lit up in curiosity and delight.

He faked a closed lipped grin,

"I'm sure you'd love that."



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Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now