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Bucky was awoken by Sam's nephews playing with the shield. He smiled softly and waved. Once he greeted them, the boys panicked and they set the shield back down. They scrambled up the stairs and left him in silence again.

He laughed softly before turning his head to see Anna still asleep beside him. Her mouth was agape and the left side of her face was still smushed against the pillow. It was the position she always ended up in, which he knew because he felt her tossing and turning during the night. She'd even smacked him in the face a few times as she rolled.

As he stared, he shifted onto his arm to rest his head against his hand. He brought his left hand up to brush the stray piece of hair out of her eyes. His metal fingers moved against her skin with light touches.

She stirred at the action and her face scrunched. He smiled and retracted his hand before she could notice.

"Good morning, doll."

She grumbled and groaned, trying to turn around again. But she couldn't bring her tingly limbs to move.

"Morning, grandpa."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. He pushed himself off the cot. He lightly nudged Anna's shoulder to wake her up. She weakly swatted her hand at him but he caught her by the wrist.

"Don't make me pull you up," he threatened.

"Bite me, Barnes."

His mouth dropped in mild shock. His lips soon turned into a mischievous smirk as he planned his payback.

Seconds later, he yanked up on Anna's arm, lifting her top half off the couch. With the new space, he slipped his arm around her waist. With his new hold on her, he lifted her body and heaved it over his shoulders.

She yelped as her body was yanked off the couch. When her eyes opened, the first sight she came into contact with was Bucky's ass. She felt his hand and arm wrapped around her legs tightly to keep her from slipping.

"You awake yet?" Bucky asked rhetorically.

She huffed and attempted to kick her legs in resistance. But she couldn't since he was restricting her in the potato sack position.

"Put me down, Barnes!" she demanded.

He frowned, "No, I think I like it like this."

She kept trying to kick at him while shouting profanities. He simply laughed and teased her more, making sure she knew he had complete control of the situation.

As they messed with each other, Sam came down the stairs. He was met with the commotion and faltered as he watched. He crossed his arms in confusion and the pair never noticed him until he cleared his throat.

When he got their attention, both of them stopped moving and speaking. Bucky turned his head to see him and Anna attempted to lift her upper body high enough to see him correctly.

Bucky awkwardly glanced between Anna and Sam. The latter questioned the other man silently with his facial expressions.

Bucky innocently shrugged and attempted to look casual, "Good morning?"

Sam rolled his eyes and moved on to the kitchen. Once he was gone, Bucky bent over to get Anna's feet back on the ground. He steadied her as she got her balance again.

They both took a deep breath and stared at each other. They locked eyes, but Anna's face quickly turned angry. She roughly punched Bucky's normal arm. He grimaced and frowned, holding the area while also keeping away her next rapid attacks.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now