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"I probably should've asked you this a long time ago, but are you kidnapping me?"

Bucky rolled his eyes at her question.

"Because, fair warning, I'm not afraid to kick you in the balls and use a magnet on your arm again."

He swatted at her lightly to shut her up. She protested and tried to defend her statements as being valid. She held her hands up in surrender as he pulled the car off to the side of the dirt path.

Anna looked out the window to see that they were in a small cemetery a little off the roadways. She glanced back at Bucky in confusion.

"My kidnap and kill theory seems more relevant now."

His face was no longer humored as he got out. His entire attitude seemed to have shifted into a more serious mood. The second he stepped out of the car, he kept quiet.

Anna hopped out as well and looked around.

"What are we doing here?"

Bucky uneasily moved to her side. He held his hand out to her as a gesture to grab it. She simply frowned and questioned it with looks.

"Just trust me," he pleaded.

She glanced between his face and his hand. Something about his somber aura was concerning her and she figured he had answers. So she reluctantly grabbed his hand and let him lead her further down the rows of headstones.

They came to a stop at the very edge of the last row. The headstone they were in front of had mold running alongside it and its stone was cracked at the top.

But the words could be seen clearly.

Anna knew what everything was about when she read the name. Her grip of Bucky's hand loosened and she took small steps forward. He let her go on her own while staying behind to give her some privacy.

She fell to her knees in front of the stone. Her body was instantly shaking and trembling from the overwhelming amount of grief. Her hand shook as she reached out to trace the name.

Frederick Kane, loving father and friend.

Her eyes watered as she read the inscriptions over and over again. Every time she tried to speak, mere gasps and held back sobs came out.

"One of your dad's scientist friends buried him," Bucky explained in hushed tones.

Tears slipped from Anna's eyes, which remained unmoving from the headstone.

"I know you didn't really get to mourn your dad...and I figured this might give you some closure."

She bit her lip but it didn't stop the floodwaters. Full sobs came out shamelessly. Her back broke down and her body felt weaker than ever.

Bucky stayed behind her for privacy. But he, himself, was trying not to get emotional. Not only did he hate seeing Anna so vulnerable, but he also felt more remorse and guilt than he had before. Seeing the consequences of his actions really put things into perspective.

Anna was also dealing with the guilt. Every day since her father's death, she'd gone over what caused it; what caused the chain reaction. And every time she'd try to deduce it, the problem would always be her.

She had been in denial and anger for so long that it had become a part of her. It was why she'd been able to hold onto her resentment for Bucky for so long. But now that she could finally see that her dad was in peace...she felt comfort herself.

She tried to collect herself by sniffling and wiping at the tear tracks on her cheeks. Once they were mostly gone, she traced her hand over his name one more time.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now