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"Marvin Gaye, Trouble Man."

Bucky scoffed, "Why does everyone love that album?"

She gaped, "It's a great album!"

He shook his head as she scrolled through her phone for more songs. They'd been doing the same thing for over an hour while in the car. Anna would play a song and Bucky would reject it.

"You can seriously just play the radio," he stated. He was tired of constantly switching and he knew they wouldn't find the perfect song.

"No, no, no, no, I think I got it!"

She pressed the play button on her screen and waited for the song to come through the car speakers. As it did, Bucky instantly relaxed at the familiar tune.

She smiled victoriously and pumped her fists in celebration. He playfully rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.

"40s, music? Really, doll?"

Her eyes widened at his slip up. He tried to take it back but she slapped a hand on his arm and shook it to tease him further.

"Doll?" she repeated, "Wow, you really are an old man."

He finally conceded with a sigh and shrugged, "Brings out old habits, I guess."

They locked eyes at the same time. Despite being the one driving, Bucky didn't look away. Neither did Anna.

They simply gazed at each other with soft smiles. It wasn't awkward. Instead, it was comfortable and reassuring.

Anna eventually felt exposed enough that she had to glance away. She cleared her throat and looked back down at her phone.

"Let's turn this shit off."

He instantly scoffed and got back into bickering mode.

"What are you talking about?" he exclaimed, "This is classic!"

"This is prehistoric, Barnes," she stated dramatically, "You've officially reached dinosaur level old."

He rolled his eyes again.

They let the bantering rest until they came to a stop. Anna looked up from her phone to see they arrived at the docks where plenty of people were bustling about.

They both got out of the car and walked amongst the people. Anna held the case tightly in her hand as Bucky navigated. He kept a grip on her arm to make sure they wouldn't get separated.

He found Sam talking to a few men just a couple of feet away. He let go of Anna as they got closer; it made her miss the warmth of his gloved hand on the windy day.

They heard the men speaking about parts for the boat beside them and how they couldn't get it off the truck. As they tried to find a way, Bucky simply picked up the heavy crate and set it down on the ground.

Anna's face contorted to show she was slightly impressed. Bucky glanced over and smirked when he saw the expression.

Then he turned to Sam and simply nodded.

"You're welcome."

Anna handed him the case as Sam came over. He ran a hand over the delicate design on the outside.

"I called in a favor from the Wakandans," Bucky stated.

Sam was about to reply, but was interrupted by a pipe bursting and hissing out gas. A woman called out for Sam's help and he went running onto the boat to stop it.

Bucky joined him and took over. He struggled to move the bolt up with the wrench they had.

"Use your metal arm, dumbass!" Anna shouted.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now