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"Still not talking to each other?"

Sam and Bucky glanced at each other. The latter glared at the former's questions, giving him the answer.

He laughed lightly and shook his head, "If making amends were easy, you'd have those names crossed off by now."

Bucky sighed in agreement. They looked up to see Zemo and Sharon leading the way with Anna trailing behind them. Sharon led them to a shipping container in the center of the docks.

"Alright, Nagel should be in there. But hurry because every bounty hunter will be coming after you."

They nodded and opened the container doors. Sharon stayed outside to provide protection. Anna stayed with her, much to the men's confusion.

"You aren't coming?" Sam asked.

She shook her head, "I've been dying to get my hands dirty and dealing with a scientist isn't exactly on my bucket list."

Zemo rolled his eyes, "Nagel knew your father. He might be more willing to help if he knew you were here."

"He got rejected by my father," she corrected, "I'm staying out here."

She pulled out her gun and followed after Sharon, who had walked away to set up a perimeter. She caught up with the woman quickly and they walked side by side.

They came across an intersection and Anna turned to head down a different path. But Sharon argued with her.

"It's probably best if we stick together," she said urgently, "Strength in numbers and all that."

Anna narrowed her eyes in suspicion. But she complied nonetheless, staying by the woman's side. They stayed in awkward silence for another few minutes until Sharon broke it.

"Do you have a problem with me?"

Anna scoffed, "I have problems with everyone. Don't take it personally."

She glanced back and forth down the rows of container paths to check for dangers.

Sharon rolled her eyes, "So you do have a problem?"

Anna stopped them and turned to talk to her directly, "I know a suspicious person when I see one. I'd watch your back if I were you."

Sharon raised her eyebrows at such a blatant threat. She looked surprised and insulted that Anna had dared to make such a move.

"I thought you didn't care what happened to them," she retorted, referring the men they'd left behind.

"I don't," Anna shrugged, "But I've already called dibs on killing Barnes so stay out of the way. Anything else you care to do is not my priority."

Sharon tried to argue but Anna had drawn her gun within a second. The blonde woman thought she was about to be shot but Anna's gun was slightly angled around her head, shooting behind her instead.

The loud shot reverberated through her ears and caused her to wince. She cupped her ears with her hands and looked over her shoulder to see the bounty hunter Anna had saved her from.

More shots rang out from behind, making the girls scramble behind one of the containers.

"I counted six," Anna whispered. She checked her gun and ran around the container, leaving three for Sharon on the other side while she took three in her own.

She snuck up behind them and thunked the first one on the head with her gun. She grabbed their shoulder before they could fall forward, kicking their knee down and using him as a shield for his buddies' offense.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now