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"They're leaving the lower deck of the parking garage!

Anna shouted into her comms just as she reached the last flight of stairs. She saw the last of the transport vehicles leave the garage as she reached the bottom.


She swiveled her head back and forth, spotting motorcycles to her right. Bucky was also coming in from the opposite direction, meeting with her in the middle.

"What, have you been napping?" she asked rhetorically, "Where the hell have you been?"

He rolled his eyes and hopped onto one bike. He gestured for her to get on behind him as he revved it up. She quickly slid on and wrapped her arms around his waist.

They sped out of the garage, passing by Sharon on the way. They followed after the armored trucks out onto the street.

"Guys, you better speed this up. The chopper's about to take off!" Sharon warned.

Sam called out for Bucky and Anna's help, but both had to refuse the task.

"I don't fly, man. That's your thing," Bucky said.

He abruptly turned the bike and curved down another street to catch up with the trucks. Anna had enough time during their turn to see a few others bikes following them, each with riders wearing the flag smasher mask.

She pulled out her gun and fired warning shots as they sped through the wind.

"Kick him in the balls and run!" Anna advised.

"What?" Sam practically screamed. Even Bucky and Sharon made comments on the unbelievable suggestion.

"Just do it!" she shouted.

Sam couldn't hold off Batroc's attacks any longer. He eventually decided to go with Anna's idea.

He kicked out his leg, landing a straight shot into the man's sensitive area. Once his foot made contact, Batroc curled up and fell to his knees. Sam took the time to deliver a swift knock to the head. It temporarily put him down for the count.

Sam ran and flew out the window to help the chopper. As he did, he let out a scoff of disbelief.

"I'll be damned, it worked!"

Anna rolled her eyes and shot at her own assailants. Bucky kept driving while she took care of them, completely trusting her to protect them.

She shot at tires, legs, and shoulders. Basically anything that would knock them off, she hit it. Once the final tire had been blown, she put her gun back and turned her torso facing forward again.

"Nice job, sweetheart," he complimented.

She smiled victoriously. But it dropped when she saw a chopper spinning out of control flying overhead. She saw Sam chase it quickly.

"How's it going up there, Cap?" she asked.

He huffed and spoke in exasperation, "Any suggestions?"

She shrugged, "Does anyone up there know how to fly?"

He used redwing to scan through the hostages. He found a woman's profile that had flight experience.


After the quick word of gratitude, Bucky glanced over his shoulder to get Anna's attention. She looked ahead of them and saw the trucks road blocked by flag smashers who tried to take over.

"Do we have a plan?" she asked.


She sighed and readied herself to jump off the bike, which she knew he'd crash.

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now