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"You're such a drama king."

Once Anna had entered the apartment, she saw Zemo sitting on the couch with a rag over his forehead and a glass of alcohol in his hands. He merely peeked out from underneath his rag for a moment before settling back down.

She scoffed and pulled out a small bottle of medication from her grocery bag, "I got pain killers for your baby headache."

She tossed the bottle to him and kept walking until she reached the kitchen. Bucky, who had gone to the market with her, tore off his jacket and moved around her to pour himself a drink.

"Something's not right with Walker."

Anna laughed shortly, "Where to begin? His hair, his condescending tone, his ridiculously fit biceps-"

"Hey!" Bucky shouted, halfway pouting. He threw her an offended look at the last compliment but she simply shrugged shamelessly.

"I know a crazy when I see one," he continued. He gestured to the woman behind him, "Take her, for example."

She rolled her eyes and slapped him upside the head. He winced, actually unhurt but making a gesture to show he was effected.

"Shouldn't have given him the shield."

Sam sighed and prepared himself for the continued argument, "I didn't."

"Well, Steve definitely didn't."

Bucky took a sip of his drink and grimaced at the burn. His nose scrunched slightly, which is something Anna had always found somewhat adorable for a previous killer.

Moments later, the door to their apartment was kicked open and Walker and Lemar stormed in. Anna frowned and weakly gestured to the broken door.

"You could've just turned the handle," she muttered.

He ignored her and began barking orders.

"That's it. Let's go! I'm now ordering you to turn him over. Her too!"

He pointed between Anna and Zemo, who despite the threats against them, hardly moved.

Sam stood up in their defense, "Slow your roll. Let's be clear: shield or no shield, the only thing you're running in here is your mouth."

Anna and Bucky simultaneously reached over the counter to give each other a fist bump in pride of Sam.

"Now, I had Karli and you overstepped," Sam recalled, "Zemo and Anna have proven themselves useful today. And we're gonna need all hands on deck for whatever's coming next."

Walker gruffly responded, ignoring any previous attempts at reasoning.

"How do you want the rest of this conversation to go?" he asked rhetorically, "Should I put down the shield? Make it fair?"

He did as he stated and set down the metal. But just as he straightened back up to fight, a spear was lodged into the pillar beside his face.

Anna instinctually reached for her gun but Bucky stopped her. She watched as three woman walked into their place.

The lead lady spoke in a different language that was directed at Bucky. Whatever she said must've made him feel bad considering that he bowed his head in shame.

"Release him to us now," she commanded.

The blonde man awkwardly waved at the newcomers, "Hi. John Walker, Captain America. Let's put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through."

"Hey John," Sam called, "Take it easy. You might want to fight Anna before you tangle with the Dora Milaje."

"They don't have jurisdiction here-"

Cruel Fate | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now