May 3rd - Dirt

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"Whatcha up to, princess?"

I looked up to see Chat Noir balancing on my balcony railing, smiling curiously.

"Hi, kitty! Just planting some more flowers, mainly to brighten up the area!" I replied with a smile.

"Ooh, what flowers are those?" he asked.



"Tiger lilies!"

"What about-"

"Chaton, do you wanna help me? I can tell you as we plant!" I offered, trying my absolute best to not show annoyance at his child-like curiosity. Then again, no one could be annoyed at him for long; he was much too adorable!

"'d let me?" Chat questioned, a hint of belonging lacing his voice.

I smiled, "Of course I would, chaton. You're my friend, and sharing things that make me happy with friends makes me even happier."

He smiled from ear to ear, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Be right back, I'll go grab you some things you'll need."

I hopped down into my room and grabbed a spare gardening apron. Hm...will he need gloves? Eh, might as well.

Coming back up, I handed him the apron and gloves. "Just in case," I giggled.

"Thanks, princess! So, do we do this?" he asked, tying the apron around his back.

I blinked and couldn't say anything. "Have...have you not gardened before?"

Chat looked away nervously, and I knew I struck a nerve. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if-"

"I used to help my mother garden before...before she disappeared." We both kneeled in silence, not being able to say anything. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a downer-"

I just hugged him. I had to. He's mentioned his mother few times before, and he's never had anyone there to comfort him. That should change. I felt him squeeze back, and something in me made my arms run through his golden hair, hearing him purr softly in response.

"Thank you," he whispered. " one's ever comforted me over my mother before."

I nodded, my throat dry and at a lack for words. "Come on, let's dedicate some of these plants to her."

He finally looked up at me through his shining green eyes. "Really?"


His cat ears perked up and the glow returned to his face, his smile so wide I couldn't help but smiling too.

A few hours passed, and Chat was gently placing a tulip into a clay pot. I innocently turned around and grabbed a handful of dirt, throwing it at him. He dropped the tulip and I had to try my absolute hardest not to burst out laughing.

"You did not just do what I think you just did, princess," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Before I could blink, he chucked a larger handful of dirt at me, landing everywhere. And I mean everywhere. My hair, my clothes, my face...oh, he's on.

I brought the gigantic bag of dirt closer to me and rolled some dirt the size of a tennis ball in my hands, noticing Chat's expression lessen in cockiness. He gulped right as I was satisfied with the dirt ball, and I threw it as hard as I could at him.

I could've sworn some of it ended up inside his mouth.

He spit it out, and at that point, I had it. I exploded in laughter while he tried to clean himself off.

"Chat, you- you look like a mess!!" I cackled. "I can't- this is too- too funny-" I gripped my stomach as tears were forming in my eyes, my laughter not stopping anytime soon.

"Oh, so you think this is funny?"

I wheezed before replying, "Of course I do! It suits you!"

That's when all hell broke loose.

He grabbed the bag of dirt from next to me and dumped it all over my body.

I didn't dare open my eyes, and thankfully my mouth was closed when he dumped the dirt.

He burst out laughing, and I couldn't be more upset. This stupid cat.

"Princess, you should see yourself!!" Of course he kept laughing.

I raised my arms slowly and wiped the dirt off of myself as best I could. If I didn't start soaking my clothes now, they'd be stained for a while.

"You stupid cat."

"Hey, you started it!"

"Take your tulip and go, I need to wash up...and I mean wash everything."

"Bye, princess~"

I sighed. I couldn't stay mad at him for long. "Until next time, you silly kitty." I brought my hand to my lips and lightly slapped it on his cheek. "I don't want to risk getting you dirty, chaton."

He didn't say anything, probably too stunned. That didn't stop him from kissing my cheek.

"Who cares if this alley cat gets dirty? I have my princess to take care of me."


my friends: ...are you okay?




~Jewel ♡︎

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now