May 13th - Flower Shop

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hi everyone! i know it's december and WAYY too far to be publishing haha but i've decided as part of my new year's resolution to finish this up and get my fellow marichat fans their fixes! (being facetious lmao)

i know it may already be the new year for some of you to happy new year! take marichat to start it off haha

the rest of these prompts are going to be no more than 500~750 words (depending on the prompt) so i can get the rest published in time for the new year. happy holidays, everyone, no matter what you celebrate!
It's been a couple of years since (gonna stick with pre-s4) Hawkmoth has been defeated and Paris' favorite superhero duo has revealed their identities to each other. It was safe to say they were both surprised but fell in love with each other all over again. To not raise suspicions, they slowly introduced their relationship with subtle hints that everyone was mostly confused about. The two were a quaint couple, and Marinette didn't need any more major surprises.

Unfortunately for her, there was something coming.

As things had relaxed majorly for the duo, Marinette had started her own flower shop to relieve minor stresses she still found lingering. She was the city's go-to for any flower need or emergency, with Marinette always knowing what flower combinations were perfect for the occasion.

Adrien had become a writer after not wanting to be associated with his father for so long, and after Gabriel was revealed to have been Hawkmoth this whole time, that feeling grew tenfold. He had discovered that writing was his passion and decided to embrace it, on his way to publishing his first book: Him & His Lady: A Biography. No one else knew of their identities so he thought he could be an indirect primary source without raising suspicions.

Adrien had wanted to celebrate with Marinette and wanted to make tonight special. He walked into the shop and noticed her arranging a new display.

"Hello, welcome to Marinette's, how may I help you?" she asked without turning around.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could give me some insight to what flowers would be good for a rooftop picnic?"

A smile started to creep up to Marinette's face as a possibility of who the supposed stranger could be.

"That depends," she began. "What setting, sunshine or moonlight? Possibility of the lucky lady's favorite flowers, and, of course, there's always what mood you want to give off."

"That's a lot of factors," Adrien mused. "Well, I was thinking moonlight; her favorite flowers are orchids, and the mood...something romantic."

"I see. Nice choices, sir. Who, may I ask, is the lady of the evening?" Turning around, she found herself face to face with Adrien, thankful she was against the counter or she surely would've fallen.


She blushed a few shades of red as he slowly reached for one of her hands and planted a kiss on her knuckles.

"You can bring the flowers tonight, princess," he started with a wink, turning around. "I'll pick you up at eight."


Spoiler #1: He picked her up as Chat.

Spoiler #2: He proposed.

Spoiler #3: She said yes.


hhhhhhhhh okay yes this was more adrienette with a hint of marichat but i don't wanna make this too long especially with the other chapters lol-

stay miraculous!

~jewel ♡︎

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now