May 8th - Princess & Knight AU

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Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?

Please. How cliche. Being stuck in this castle for years, at first, gave me so much hope that I'd be saved by my love interest. That was yet to happen, and I'm already 18.

Day after day, year after year, no saving. My father refused to let me leave, and I had no clue as to why he was so against me leaving to explore the outside world.

"Your majesty of Kingdom Noir, I've come to rescue you!" a voice called from outside my window.

I raced outside, my saving hope was finally here! The figure wore a suit of knight's armor, their horse galloping to a halt under my window. They took off their helmet and the figure's raven blue hair was revealed.

They looked so majestic for a few moments, leaving me amazed and speechless. Then, she burst out laughing.

"Princess, really?"

"I'm sorry, Chat, your dress-" Marinette's laughter filled the air as she struggled to sit on her chaise (decorated as a horse) with how much she was laughing.

"Ha, ha, very funny." I crossed my arms as a pout morphed on my face, glaring down at Marinette through the cardboard 'castle window' her father had pleaded we used.

"Chat, seriously, I'm sorry," she finally said, her laughter coming to an end.

I felt my pout melt away as a smile replaced it. "I can't stay mad at you no matter how hard I tried."

"Every time without fail," Marinette agreed, carefully taking off her suit of armor.

"I still can't believe you actually designed a knight's suit," I muttered softly, starting to make my way down from her bed via the ladder.

She shrugged. "What can I say? The sky's the limit...and then some! Plus, I love designing. I really don't care what it is or who it's for—it's my passion. I never want to stop."

"You seem so deeply invested in it, princess."

Marinette was silent for a few moments, then a smile crept on her face. "I am. I really am."

She started to take the suit off, visibly struggling. ", um, do you mind helping me? I didn't really anticipate not being able to reach the clasps."

I rushed to her side and nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

"Just unclasp the ones on the back and I should be able to get the rest myself," she told me, smiling as her neck craned slightly to glance at me.

I smiled back and carefully proceeded to follow her instructions. Thankfully, the clasps weren't as difficult to undo as I thought, so the job was done in a few moments.

"Voila!" I cheered as I completed the task.

"Thank you, chaton," she chuckled. Marinette continued removing the suit and I started taking off the dress she forced me into.

"You know," she started after a few moments in silence, "it's funny how your nickname for me is 'princess' yet you were the princess in this."

I smirked at her, witty response prepared. "In that case, maybe you should become a superhero."

I noticed Marinette flinch for a split second, then she shook her head slightly.

Oh. That's right. She can't be one anymore because of the Multimouse situation.

"Mari, I'm so sorry-"

"Don't apologize, minou. It was amazing of Ladybug to give me a chance in the first place, and that's what I'm grateful for."

She was so humble and so cute while saying it that before I knew it, I was next to her again, cupping her face in my gloved hands.

"Chat...?" Marinette asked so softly, I almost didn't pick it up with my cat-like hearing.

I had no words for the girl in front of me, the one who always put others before herself every single time. All I felt was admiration and adoration.

I soon found that I couldn't help myself but kiss her and pour all of those feelings into the kiss. To my surprise, she kissed back and the moment felt like it lasted an eternity. The bliss of the moment, her scent of strawberry macarons and fresh bread, the taste of her cherry lip gloss—there wasn't a detail I could've missed.

We then pulled away for air, both of us panting quietly.

She looked up into my eyes and cupped my own cheeks, smile and eyes full of love.

"Princess, I-" At first, I had no idea if I wanted to say the three words I was longing to say. It felt so easy yet so hard all at once.

Her smile changed into a smirk before I knew it. "I love you too, chaton. But let's agree you're the knight and I'll be the princess."

hello hello i am officially back :D

i know it's nearing the end of july, almost august

i won't lie to you all so i will say i did develop writer's block as well as a bit of lost motivation

i know, it's very ironic since my favorite love square ship is marichat

but i swear i won't stop writing until i finish marichat may >:)

get ready for a ton of updates lmao

stay miraculous y'all! ~jewel ♡︎

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