May 19 + 21 - Friends & Movie Night

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Marinette was hosting a movie night at her place for a few friends, anxious to invite someone in particular from not knowing how her other friends would react.

That person? The one and only Chat Noir.

She felt she needed to invite him, for the two have been friends for a while anyway. So she did.

While she, Alya, and Nino were setting up, the doorbell rang and Alya raised an eyebrow at Marinette.

"Who's that?" she asked as Marinette reached for the door handle, then winced and pulled away.

"Promise me you won't freak out?"

"...Okay. But whoever it is, you're giving me all the details later."

"Deal." Marinette opened the door to reveal a certain leather-clad cat superhero in front of her door.

"Um, hello!" Chat greeted meekly.

Both Alya and Nino blinked in surprise as their eyes widened.

"Wow, you know each other?" Alya asked casually, still visibly surprised.

"Yup," Marinette replied nervously, smacking her lips as she released the 'P'.

"Nice to meet you both," Chat stated awkwardly.

"You- you too, dude," Nino chimed in, also shocked.

Alya shot a glare at Marinette, more playful than upset. "Details later, girl."

"No worries, Alya."

"I can also fill in on parts she doesn't reveal-"

"NOT helping, chaton."



Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now