May 25th - Study

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Marinette groaned as she faceplanted on her desk, not wanting to do anymore of the horrendous activity known as "studying".

"Come on, princess, you're almost done," Chat prompted gently, trying to reassure her.

"I cannot stress the fact of how much I absolutely loathe everything about this," Marinette ranted. (insert your least favorite subject cuz why not lmao) "There is absolutely no point to it!"

"I know, schooling is weird, but you're so close for the day! Just a few more minutes and you'll be free."

"Cuddles after?" she asked with a small yet playful pout.

"Cuddles definitely after."

"Now that's my motivation."

"Happy to oblige to my princess's needs."

She smiled and giggled lightly. "Thanks, kitty."


Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now