May 27th - Singing

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It was a lazy Sunday and Marinette found herself in a baking mood. She played the soundtrack to her favorite musical, The Sound of Music. Ever since her mother introduced it to her at a young age, she's loved it ever since.

She was about to put macarons in the oven as "My Favorite Things" started playing, as well as a familiar guest appearing through her balcony.

"Smells delicious, princess," Chat greeted with a grin, noticing the familiar melody.

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens," Marinette sang along, booping Chat's nose along with the appropriate line segment before inserting the pan into her oven.

"Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens," Chat jumped in, gesturing to Marinette's kitchen playfully.

"Seems like this song is strangely accurate at the moment," she giggled, taking her apron off for the time being.

"Glad to have been able to assist, princess," Chat stated with a wink.


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