May 5th - Nightmares

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"You'll have no friends and Adrien will be mine!"

"How could you, Marinette?"

"Listen, Dupain-Cheng!"

"You know who else uses that excuse? Chloé! I'm starting to see how much you two have in common."

"My father was right, I never should've come to New York."


I woke up abruptly, my forehead beaded with sweat as various quotes and tones filled my subconscious. I checked my phone, the time showing midnight. I needed some air.

I tiptoed downstairs and quietly made some tea to bring with me to my balcony. The outside world was peaceful and quiet, the warm spring air comforting. I sipped my tea feeling much more relaxed than earlier. My eyes started to close in content, but for some reason, I didn't feel tired.

Suddenly, I heard quiet footsteps landing on my railing, and without opening my eyes, I knew fully well who was paying me a late night visit.

"Hey, chaton. Couldn't sleep?"

"Wait, how'd you know it was me?"

I laughed softly, "Who else would be paying little old me a visit this late? Also, no one else has access to my balcony by stick travel."

Opening my eyes, I noticed him playfully glaring at me. "For the record, it's a staff. And you do make a good point."

I chuckled, sipping my tea some more in our comfortable silence.

"How come you're up, by the way?" Chat questioned after a few minutes.

I was afraid he'd ask that.

Hesitant to share the truth, I quickly put on a fake smile and hoped he wouldn't question further. "I was just designing for a while, decided I needed some fresh air."

He eyed me suspiciously, not believing my lie for one second.

"Princess, it's just me. You can be honest," Chat told me reassuringly, coming closer and kneeling beside me.

My smile melted, and I looked away, ashamed that he could see right through me.

"Just a nightmare...nothing big, I promise," I replied with a weak smile.

His cat ears dropped a bit and his expression softened. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, princess."

Gripping his hand, I smiled larger. "It's alright, chaton, thank you."

He leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, taking me by surprise.

"I'm always here if you need to talk. Cat's honor," Chat said.

I nodded, still at a loss for words due to his previous action. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer, but I finally realized that he was still up this late too. "I'm here if you ever need to talk as well. Just like why you're up this late, hm?"

Chat laughed gently and smirked at me. "You we're always quite the detective when not the princess."

"What can I say? I like answers."

"To answer your question, I just needed some freedom. My civilian life feels so restrained and restricted...I can barely spend time with friends in the minimal free time I have, thanks to my father flooding my schedule with lessons and other so-called 'activities'. Believe me, it's not fun."

"Your life sounds like prison," I muttered.

He shrugged and shot me a half-smile. "And you're the key, princess."

Returning his smile, I whispered to him, "Throughout all of the hardships and struggles, you still have your optimism and confidence. How? How do you stay motivated?"

"It's all in here," he replied, gently pointing to my heart. "You just have to always remember what triggers that feeling and be driven by it."

"Since when was this alley cat so wise?" I joked.

"Since I became your knight in shining leather, purr-haps?"


Planting a light kiss on his cheek, I thanked him again.

"We should both get some sleep. No matter what, it's still late. Good night, chaton, and sleep well."

"Sweet dreams, princess."

mwahaha day 5 is done on the 6th 🤡

i know i said i'd do a double update today

but it's late and i can't i'm sorryyy sjdjsjdjs



~jewel ♡︎

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