May 10th - Cooking Together

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"Chat, no! That's sugar, not salt!!"

"They look the same!"

I couldn't help but laugh endlessly at this cat's actions. Either he was poking fun with me, or he had no idea how to cook—whatsoever.

"Chat, we're just cooking pasta for tonight's dinner. Take it easy and step by step to make sure it'll taste delicious...without landing either of us in the hospital for food poisoning," I teased, stifling more of my laughter.

"You're a real riot, princess, you know that?"

"Yes, I do know. Runs in the family."

Our banter continued as we continued cooking. Thankfully, with my guidance, Chat was able to follow all of the steps correctly, making sure to use the proper amounts of all the ingredients so nothing would be overpowering or overpowered.

I mean, come on, it's pasta. He would've gotten the first few tries. Besides that, he did really well. And it tasted delicious.

"Chat, this is so, so good," I complimented with my mouth full. "Are you sure this is your cooking?"

"Taught by the one and only Marinette Dupain-Cheng, of course," he smirked.

"Oh, come on, I'm not that good of a teacher, especially when it comes to cooking. You know designing is more my thing!"

"But it doesn't mean you didn't inherit your parents' amazing skills when it comes to food!" Chat argued.

"Fine, let's just agree to disagree, kitty."

"Alright, fine. But sooner or later, you'll have to admit your cooking skills are the best!"

"You do realize I have a spoon of sauce in my hand, right?" I challenged him mischievously.

Chat gulped out of the corner of my eye and nodded cautiously.

"One flick of my wrist and you'd be as red as Ladybug. And not just your face, kitty cat."

"Okay, okay, Marinette, I understand. I won't challenge you anymore, cat's honor," he stammered nervously.

"Good choice, chaton. Now, let's make macarons!"

I could tell I had surprised Chat by my sudden change in mood and attitude, but it was necessary. I needed to lighten him up a bit, and I'd always known he loved any and all macarons that came from my parents' bakery.

"Now, what flavor?"

"Passionfruit! It's been so long since I've had them," Chat replied excitedly.

"I never took you for the passionfruit type," I chuckled.

"It's an underrated fruit that packs its sweetness purrfectly," Chat smirked. "What about you?"

"I've always been a strawberry and/or cherry gal, myself, along with the occasional blueberry. Honestly, there are few fruits I don't love!"

"Keeping it open, I like it, princess."

"Thanks, chaton. Now, let's get to baking, shall we?"

"We shall," he purred.

yes. no words, just yes.

stay tuned y'all!

~jewel ♡︎

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now