May 12th - Cuddles

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"Yes, chaton?" She wasn't looking up from her sewing.



"I want cuddles," Chat said, pouting at her from her chaise.

Marinette still wasn't looking at him, for she knew that even the slightest glance into his emerald green eyes would make her succumb to her kitty's wishes.

"Kitty, you know I need to get this done before tomorrow night," she said soothingly, still refusing to look up from her work.

"But princesssss," he trailed off.

No, Marinette, her subconscious said. You need to get this done ASAP!

But, on the other hand, the other side of her subconscious said, what's the harm in relaxing with your favorite cat?

Marinette, you know very well this is one of your biggest projects, which means it takes patience and dedication!

She considered both cases: finish this now and spend much more time with him after, or cuddle with him now and rush to finish tomorrow. Marinette had to come up with her own compromise.

"How about this, kitty," she began. "Give me 30 more minutes and I'll be done for the night. How does that sound?"

Deep inside, she felt like she was dealing with a toddler. It was kinda true. Chat had somehow gotten hold of a tiny amount of catnip and she was thankful he wasn't demanding much more.

"Okay, fineee."

"Thank you, chaton."

Spoiler alert: it was only five minutes until she looked at him and gave in.

They cuddled the rest of the night because they're two dorks in love and they had no other cares in the world.


~jewel ♡︎

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now