May 31st - Soulmates

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She couldn't stop running her fingers through his hair, causing him to purr softly, nonstop.

"How did I end up with the most amazing kitty in the entire universe?" Marinette asked gently.

"Invisible string, I bet," Chat whispered.

"You believe in that sort of thing? One single person that's right for you?"

"Well, I believe that there are soulmates, but there doesn't have to be just one. Multiple people can be right for you, but that doesn't necessarily mean all at the same time."

She giggled lightly and smiled. "Interesting reasoning, kitty cat."

She noticed him smile back, keeping his eyes closed in content. "For example, we're soulmates. You're the one who ended up stuck with me."

She scoffed playfully, "Who said I was "stuck" with you, chaton? If anything, you're stuck with me."

He mimicked her scoff, "Excuse me, I have the best princess in the universe."

"Then I guess we're stuck with each other."

"Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?"


He carefully opened an eye to peek at her expression, her eyes closed and a smile dancing on her lips, still running her fingers through his hair. He loved spending time with her and the affection she always gave.

"Love you, princess."

Her smile turned into a half smirk as Chat closed his eye. "Love you too, chaton."


helppp i love them

and this concludes (a very late) marichat may! i hope you all enjoyed!

(psst, stay on the lookout for more works in the future! not all miraculous 😉)

~ jewel

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now