May 7th - Secrets

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After years of being Chat Noir, he finally found out that his princess and his bugaboo were one and the same. He couldn't be more overjoyed than he already was.

Of course, he felt bad that he knew her identity without her knowing. He planned to come clean and confess to her tonight.

The sun had set, and it was well into the evening. Knowing Marinette, she'd be designing in her room at this time. Adrien had become Chat Noir and exited his room, making his way towards Marinette's balcony. He quietly landed on the railing and stepped down carefully to knock on her skylight, hearing the hum of her sewing machine.

"It's open, chaton!" she called through the faint noise. Marinette had gotten used to his nightly visits by now, and usually left her skylight unlocked for Chat's easy access.

"Hey, princess," he greeted softly.

Marinette finished her current seam and swiveled around in her desk chair, smiling at him widely. "What brings you here this time?"

Chat couldn't help but smile at her with as much adoration as he could muster. "Well, you know, just visiting the only person that welcomes this alley cat inside." He made his way to sit on her chaise, Marinette not protesting the matter.

She giggled, and for the first time, he noticed how her features scrunched up and her shoulders bounced lightly when she did. "Silly kitty, I'm sure other girls would be happy to let you inside their homes, much more their rooms."

Marinette stood up from her chair and turned, her back facing him as she reached into her desk drawers to collect some thread. "But I'm honored and overjoyed you chose me," she whispered so softly that if it wasn't for his heightened hearing, he wouldn't have caught it.

She was speaking so genuinely that he couldn't bear to see the hurt in her eyes when he told her he knew she was Ladybug. But he couldn't keep this from her. It just felt wrong. "Princess...I need to tell you something."

The tone of urgency in his voice concerned Marinette, making her turn around instantly. He only said it like that if something was absolutely bothering him. "Chaton, is something wrong?"

His cat ears drooped and he averted his gaze on a random point on her carpet, not wanting to see the pain in her features. Marinette sensed his quietness, placing everything she had in her arms down on her desk and making her way towards him.

"My kitty, you know you always have me. I'll always be here to listen to anything you're comfortable with sharing. Just because you're a superhero, that doesn't mean your problems matter any less. In any case, they matter even more."


"Mon cher minou, what's the matter?"

Her concern was so heartfelt that he couldn't help the tears that started falling down his cheeks.

Of course, it was instinctual for her to reach up and gently wipe them away as much as possible.

"Marinette...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, chaton. Now tell me, what's wrong?"

Marinette's comfort found his heart and Chat let it take over his words. "I never thought it was possible to fall in love the same girl twice. It still happened to me, but I don't regret it one bit. I'm sorry for finding out your identity, m'lady. That's what I'm apologizing for."

She blinked at him, and at that moment, she felt so many emotions—speechlessness, amazement, bewilderment—but the main two were love and trust. Even if she didn't give her consent, she'd grown to love her kitty throughout the sacrifices and bad cat puns.

"You don't have to apologize."


"Chaton, I know I didn't give my consent, but I couldn't be happier that you found out my identity." Marinette shrugged and looked away wistfully. She said something he surprisingly couldn't hear, then looked back at him and stood up from her kneeling position to sit next to him on her chaise.

She cupped his cheeks, her touch as light as feathers, and planted a kiss on his forehead. Marinette pulled away to rest her forehead against his, the two staying in somewhat comfortable silence. They stayed like that for a few moments before something overtook Chat as he cupped one of her cheeks and leaned in, kissing her.

Like any normal girl, Marinette was surprised at the suddenness, but melted into the kiss, remembering it was her kitty, her partner, the one she trusted more than anyone.

"I love you, princess, and I vow to never stop," Chat whispered after the two pulled away slowly.

"I love you too, chaton, and I always will."

"That's why I need to show you who I am under the mask."

Marinette was taken aback by his comment, but just gulped and nodded. "Whoever you are, that won't make any difference."

Chat smiled at her, his hand still on her cheek. She leaned into his hand before he helped her stand up, ready to kiss her once more. "Claws in," he whispered, immediately capturing her lips in his again.

They kissed for what felt like hours, but eventually pulled away, quietly gasping for breath. Marinette slowly opened her eyes to see Adrien staring back at her in adoration with the widest grin on his face.


"I'm s-"

Marinette instantly kissed him, cutting him off from any discouragement he was about to say. "Don't ever apologize to me, for you have no reason to. I still love you, and this doesn't change a thing."

Adrien hugged her tightly and she returned his embrace, never wanting to let go.

"I love you, princess."

"I love you too, chaton."

woo let's get some angst in there 😎🤣

stay miraculous y'all

~jewel ♡︎

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now