May 28, 29, 30 - Domesticity, Roses, Trust

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"Hi, princess, something you wanted to talk about?"

Marinette turned at the sudden sound of the voice behind her, smiling in greeting.

"Hi, chaton, thanks for coming. Please, make yourself at home. Want anything?"

"No, I'm good, thanks. This seems serious, is everything okay?"

Marinette sat down across from him, trying to avoid the possible interrogation in his gaze.

"Well, this may seem like a forward question and I hope you don't think any less of me for asking but it was just a thought and it's fine if you don't want to or say no, I was just thinking and it came to mind and-"

"Princess! It's okay, nothing could make me think less of you."

She chuckled, shaking her head at her 14-year-old self's old rambling habits.

"Okay. Well, I'm just gonna say it so it's done and over with:

Would you, maybe, want to move in with me?"

He was shocked, to say the least, smiling nonetheless at Marinette's invitation.

"Good thing I came prepared," Chat started, revealing a bouquet of assorted roses from behind his back. At least two reds, pink, white, blue, orange, yellow, purple, and almost every color in between, as well as a black rose in the center.

"How'd you know you'd need this many roses?" Marinette teased, admiring the various colors.

"I didn't," Chat shrugged, "I took the risk and got a bunch anyway. And to answer your question, I'd love to. I just hope I won't impose-"

"Chat, of course not! That's why I asked in the first place, because your company is always welcome. I wouldn't ask just anyone, either. I trust you." Marinette put a hand on his and smiled at him warmly.

He grinned back mischievously, "Hope you can manage with a cat around."

"I've managed with you before I asked if you wanted to move in with me, I think it should be okay."


It was chaotic, but the two dorks had so much fun.


refer to the image above for where i got the inspiration to add different color roses!!

Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now