May 14 + 15 - Dancing & Moonlight

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How she ended up taking a waltz dance class was beyond her. Every time she attempted a step, her clumsiness got the better of her and she either stepped on someone's foot, tripped over her own feet, or straight up lost balance and fell over.

Maybe an understatement, but it was safe to say it was a disaster.

The class finally ended, and Marinette walked home slowly, not wanting to think of how eventful the day was.

She decided to relax on her balcony with a cup of cherry and lemon tea, curling up with a few of her favorite book. A few hours later, when the moon was peeking through with its shining moonlight, she heard a certain leather-clad hero land on her railing.

"What brings you here this lovely twilight, chaton?"

"A little bored, to tell the truth. Also wanted to visit my favorite civilian," he replied with a wink.

He hopped down to lean on the railing, seeming as if he had a spring in his step.

"Is there something special in particular going on tonight?" Marinette asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," he stated simply, humming quietly.

She giggled, getting up and standing next to him.

"You seem...melodic today, kitty."

He quickly turned to her and took her hands, guiding her in a makeshift tango as he continued humming. He twirled her suddenly and dipped Marinette, grinning at her mischeviously.

She laughed fully this time and smiled back at him.

Chat pulled her back up and his hand lingered on hers as he raised it to plant a kiss to her knuckles.

"Until next time, princess," he stated, saluting, hopping back on her railing and getting ready to leap off. She found herself reaching for his tail and gently tugged on it.

"Thanks for the moonlight dance, Chat."

"No problem, little lady."


Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now