May 16, 17, 18 - Purring, Locked In, Oops

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"You seem strangely comfortable with this, kitty cat," Marinette stated, rolling her eyes playfully.

She looked outside, seeing the pouring rain as it fell against the windows heavily, the wind whistling, and a thunder strike booming every so often.

He purred quietly, his eyes closed from his place in Marinette's lap. "What can I say, I've gotten better with thunderst-"


He abruptly jumped, causing himself and Marinette to fall over. She rubbed her head and glared at him, an eyebrow raised. Chat chuckled nervously, knowing he was busted.


"Be lucky we're locked in because of this, Chat. If we weren't, I'd send you home right now."

He gasped and placed the back of one of his hands on his forehead, all dramatically.

"You wouldn't!"

"I would."

"I find myself personally offended by that statement."


Marichat May 2021Where stories live. Discover now