May 9th - Blanket

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Purrincess 💕 20:37
chattttt i'm bored can you come over pleaseee :(

Chaton 🥰 20:38
i'll be right over, princess~ 😘

That was over 20 minutes ago, and Marinette was still missing her kitty, especially wondering where he could possibly be.

"Where is that cat?" she muttered, slightly upset. Of course, she knew she wasn't going to be able to stay mad at him for more than two minutes.

At that moment, she heard a knock on her skylight, knowing fully well it was her favorite cat.

"I'm so sorry for being late, princess, please let me in," Chat pleaded, slightly muffled due to the closed door.

"You're lucky I can't stay mad at you, silly kitty." Marinette opened her skylight to welcome Chat in, playfully glaring at him.

"Glad I have that effect on you~"

"You are such a flirt," she teased.

"Only with you, purrincess."

Marinette rolled her eyes playfully, finally noticing the items he was holding in his arms.

"What are those?" she asked curiously.

"Knowing you," Chat started, "whenever you text me and tell me you're bored, asking me to come over, the result always ends up as either watching a movie or cuddling...and occasionally both. So, I came prepared."

He released all of the items from his arms on her chaise, consisting of blankets, pillows, and popcorn.

"Chaton, you know fully well I have all of these things here," she scolded him playfully.

"I know," he replied, cat ears drooping a little.

"Hey, that doesn't mean I'm against it. You are the best kitty ever."

She noticed his ears perk back up, as well as his expression changing into a beaming smile towards her.

"Now, what movie do you wanna watch?"

As the two continued the movie, Chat felt some weight against his shoulder. Marinette fell asleep and her head dropped on him whilst quietly snoring.

She's adorable, Chat thought, smiling to himself as he wrapped more of their shared blanket around her.

She subconsciously snuggled closer into him, unknown to what the source of warmth was. He was afraid Marinette would wake up, but she kept sleeping.

"For someone who spends almost all of her free time designing, she sure sleeps like a rock," he muttered to himself.

It's good that she's getting rest, though, lover boy, he heard Plagg say sassily.

"Yeah, Plagg, I agree. But I think I should get some sleep as well."

Chat snuggled back into Marinette's embrace, inhaling her scent of fresh fruit and fresh bread.

"Good night, princess, I love you," he whispered

"Night, chaton," Chat heard her mumble in her sleep.

God, she's adorable.

the fluff the fluff the fluff the fluff


i know this was shorter than the others but i think that's what ima do for the majority of the rest lol

and i know it kinda didn't stick to the prompt but it's close enough 🤣

okay peace out besties 🤪 and stay miraculous

~jewel ♡︎

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