May 23rd - Video Games

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"Ultimate Mecha Strike 3 marathon?" Marinette offered mischievously.

"You're on, princess. I bet I'm gonna win at least ten rounds against you."

"Ooh, dangerous bet, kitty. I'm a master at this game, you should know."

"Just because you won the tournament a few years back," Chat started, rolling his eyes playfully, "doesn't mean I can't win a few rounds against you."

"Uh-huh, but ten? Good luck."

"I don't need luck!"

"...yes, you do."

"Okay, maybe I do."

"Mhm, you do."


A few hours later, with two tired players- scratch that, actually. Marinette felt very accomplished with Chat hanging his head in defeat.

"Forty-two to eight?"

"You were close, I'll give you that."

"But forty-two. I bow down to Marinette, goddess of UMS3."

"As you should, kitty cat. But you can be my most trusted advisor."

"I'm going to take you up on that."


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