May 4th - Café

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"Marinette, how long have you been up designing?" Tikki asked me worriedly.

Suppressing a yawn, I responded, "Not too long; maybe just...8 hours or so?"

She sighed. "Marinette, it's almost 3 in the morning. You need rest! At least you don't have school tomorrow," Tikki mumbled.

"Or...I could get some coffee and stay up even more!"

"Marinette, no-"

"The café down the street is open 24 hours, and I haven't been there in a while..."

"Marinette, how are you going to get there without waking up your parents?"

I suddenly blinked. I hadn't thought of that...

As if a certain someone was listening, I heard a thump from my balcony.

"Hide, Tikki! This silly cat," I chuckled, making my way over to my balcony door.

"Hi, chaton," I greeted. "Couldn't sleep?"

Chat nodded and clicked his tongue. "Yep. You?"

I shrugged, "Just been staying up...designing."

He eyed me suspiciously, yet his gaze was playful at the same time. "How long?"

"O-oh, you know, n-not long...maybe about 8 hours...?"



"One cup of coffee and off to bed with you, okay?"

I sighed and chuckled, "Why n- wait, how'd you know I wanted to go to the café? And, for that matter, you're taking me?"

Chat shrugged and shot me a smirk. "Knowing you, you won't sleep right away, since you usually need at least half a cup of coffee in your system before you start to feel tired."


"Also, what good is a princess without her knight in shining leather to rescue her?"

"Paw-sibly nothing, purr-haps," I laughed. I won't lie, his puns have gotten much more charming the past few years. Before I knew it, he scooped me up in his arms, carrying me like a bride.

"Ready to go?" he questioned. I adjusted my position a tiny bit and nodded. "Hold on tight!"

Words can't describe the feeling I felt when I was whisked away in Chat's arms. It was like flying through the clouds without a care in the world, feeling free the whole time.

" we are," he announced softly, setting me down like he was handling glass.

"Thank you, chaton," I said to him. It was only then that I noticed he tried hiding a yawn. "Looks like you might need a cup as well."

"I shouldn't-"

"Hush, no arguing. Come inside with me, my treat."

We stepped inside the café, and to no surprise of mine, it was pretty much empty. A barista appeared behind the counter and greeted us warmly.

"Hello! What would you like to order?"

She must have been pretty tired to not have noticed one of Paris' most famous superheroes walk in.

"One iced coffee and..." I turned to Chat, silently asking what he'd like.

"Make that two iced coffees, if you don't mind."

"Coming right up," she yawned. Yep, definitely tired. She couldn't have been older than 20, but she needs more sleep.

Chat and I made our way over to one of the tables, scooting our chairs as quietly as possible. Those squeaks are annoying when you're not careful. Trust me, I've done it too many times to count.

"So," Chat began, "what are you designing this time?"

"A dress," I replied. "It's based on you, actually." I could feel my cheeks warm up slightly, a blush definitely creeping up to my face.

"O-oh, really?" he asked curiously.

"Mhm! It's still in the beginning stages, but I plan to make it a springtime outing dress, like a picnic or somewhere it's warm...I hope that makes sense," I chuckled awkwardly.

Chat reached across the table and put his hand over mine gently. "You don't have to worry about making sense. It's just me."

I smiled at him and squeezed his fingers in thankfulness, and the barista called us up to take our order. As I took the cups, Chat was patting himself down, like he was looking for something.

"Oh no, you don't, mister. Like I said earlier, my treat. You can pay next time." I chuckled and handed the barista a €10, grabbing Chat's arm and leading both of us outside.

"Alright, here you go," I said to him, handing him a cup.

"I'll take you home first, princess."

"Are you sure? I can just walk from here, it's not that far-"

"So you want to risk waking your parents up at 3 in the morning because you stayed up late working on a design. Yep, that totally makes sense," Chat stated.

This cat, I swear. "Oh my gosh, fine! You're lucky I have a soft spot for cats."

"I'm just too a-meow-zing to resist, aren't I, princess?"

I took both of us by surprise, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. "I guess so, chaton."

ahahaha i'm sorry i'm lateeee

i promise to do a double upload tomorrow cuz it's like 11:30 pm here 🤪

stay miraculous y'all

~jewel ♡︎

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