Chapter Twenty One

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Songs For This Chapter:
. Poison - Front Porch Step
. Sirens - Cher Lloyd
. Angel Of Small Death And The Codeine Scene - Hozier
. The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez
. Wicked Game - The Weeknd

Jade's POV

"Jade?" I heard someone ask from the other side of the restroom door.

" Yeah?"

" Could we talk while we're both sober?" Harry asked.

" Yeah." I sighed as I opened the restroom door, only to be greeted by his haunting green eyes staring back at my own.

With the towel wrapped around my chest, I walked past him and headed to the living room. As I sat down on the couch, he walked into the room and took a seat beside me. The smell of his cologne filled the space beside me, I missed the scent of him. "So?"

"This war between us needs to end. I'm so tired of this cycle."

"As am I but we're both too stubborn to truly end it." I agreed with him. I was tired of the cycle, I was so, so very tired of fighting with him constantly. At that time in my life, I had known him for over five years. Within the five years I had watched him change and then return to the same cold hearted person he was in the beginning. We were so repetitive about everything between one another, we loved each other one day and hated each other the next. "Harry, let me ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Do you truly see a future with me? Do you truly love me or is what we have between one another is nothing more than mere infatuation?

" I want a future with you and I do love you. Jade, I love you so much."

" Then end it with April and I'll end it with Ed."

" I can't." He sighed.

" And why not?"

" Because I don't want what happened to you, happen to her."

" It won't."

" And how do you know that?"

" Because she's using you."

" Pardon?"

" I've told you this before, she is using you. This good girl demeanor that she has isn't real, she's  a slag. She's had sex with so many people that I know. She even had sex with Zayn."

" I've actually asked her about that and she said that she didn't even know anyone by the  name of Zayn"

" Of course she would say that." I sighed. " She's lying to you, she's manipulating you."

" And like you've never lied to me?"

" And like you've never lied to me" I retorted. " We both have lied to each other so much, so right now isn't really the time to be pointing fingers at one another. "

" But."

" No, no buts. If all you are going to do is argue with me then I will walk my arse out of your flat, I don't have time to argue over something that both of us know is the truth."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I wanted to walk out of his flat but I just couldn't find the willpower to do so. Harry always knew how to keep himself under my skin. " Harry."

" Yeah?"

" Why am I even in your flat?"

" You came here last night." He laughed. " Don't you remember?"

"No."  I shook my head. " I was woken by the sound of my ring tone blaring through the speaker of my cell.  As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the powder blue walls of your bedroom. I had no idea of when I had arrived nor did I have any idea of why I was even in your  flat."

" Yeah, you came over last night absolutely plastered. If Aurora had been here, I wouldn't have let you in but she's at her grandparents."

" How is the little princess?"

" She's well. I want to show you something actually, would you mind following me?" He asked as he stood up from the couch. I nodded my head and followed him through the living room, into the hallway and finally into his bedroom.

" So?" I asked him with risen eyebrows.

"Jade." He sighed as he reached for my hands. " What would you say if I told you that I broke up with her?"

" I'd ask when because earlier you were acting as if you and her were still together."

" Shh." He laughed as he pressed a small, chaste kiss to my forehead. " I broke up with her while you were in the shower."

" You did?"

" Yes babe, there's only you now. Now all you have to do is end it with Ed."

"But.." I begun to say but was interrupted by the feeling of his lips pressing against my own.

" No buts, love, you're mine and we can finally be together." He whispered against my lips. " You can be my girl again, my bird, my world, my everything. There is nothing but Ed holding us back." He continued to whisper. " What do you say, kitten?"

I was speechless, I didn't believe that he would break up with her that easily. I couldn't have even imagined it. " Harry." I said as I pulled away from him. " Let me end everything with Ed and then..." I said as I closed the space between us again. " I will be yours, I promise."

A/N: Hi lovelies, hopefully this chapter is okay, this writers block has been killing me. Sorry for the filler chapter.
I have an important announcement to make, I have made an instagram. I want to be able to connect with my readers better :) It's Alicianwonderland_ , send me an request and Ill accept. Im planning on holding contests on there :) or just tag a picture of Harry or of Jennifer Lawrence or even one of yourself with the hashtag #hade, #hulliet, #thewindseries or #autumnlenore and Ill follow you.

Questions of the chapter:
1.) Who's pov next?
2.) How do you think Ed and April will deal with the breakup?

I love you all.

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