Chapter Twenty Eight

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Songs of the chapter:
. Roger Rabbit - Sleeping With Sirens
. Silent Scream - Cinema Bizarre
. Stockholm Syndrome
. This Is Gospel - Panic At The Disco
. Elastic Heart - Sia

Jade's POV

There isn't much that I can say about the day that followed Lance's burial. There was barely any words sent to one another nor were there any loving gestures. Liam and Jamie were grieving, Harry was too silent, Emily was homesick and Aurora was confused about what was going on, and I was just the bystander, watching everyone run around within their own minds as I was on a never ending war within my own.

Harry had decided to visit his mother that day. As usual Anne was nowhere near ecstatic to see me. Aurora had been staying with Anne for the last few days. She was completely excited to see her daddy, legs wobbling and tripping every two steps so that she could reach him. She sat at her kitchen table with a cuppa sat in front of her and a scowl displayed upon her face. Every time that her eyes met mine, I swear I could see her hatred towards me flash within her cold irises.

Even though the last time that I had saw Anne, she had said that she still did not adore me, but she would accept our relationship but that was before I had left Harry. Words cannot describe how much Anne was pushing my nerves and how tempted I was to leave Harry's arse there because I was close to speaking my mind to her. I knew that if I did, Harry would take her side and he would always take his mother's side instead of mine.

Harry had been quiet the entire morning, he had only spoken eleven words to me that entire morning. "Babe, do you want to come with me to my mothers?" Harry was acting different than he normally was, he was too quiet and every time that Liam walked into the living room he'd turn his head away. But the minute that he stepped into his mother's home, he talked non-stop.

I had no idea what had gotten into him but I knew that something had happened during our stay. There was no doubt in my mind that something had happened. Jamie was acting the same way, I had to find out what had happened.
But again, I didn't find out. Secrets were kept and Harry stayed quiet until we were almost home the next day.

Harry and I sat beside one another on the plane. Emily sat with Aurora across from us. Aurora was asleep as was Emily. Harry sat with his head facing down, I tapped on his left leg with my right hand. "Harry?" I said softly and he turned his head towards me slightly.


"Did something happen while we were in the UK?"

"No." He said quickly before turning his head away and looking down at the floor yet gain.

Once we arrived back to the US, and got back to my home, I was surprised to find a note with no return address. I opened the letter before I entered the house. Within the envelope was a picture of Damon and I, a picture of before he had begun abusing me, when we were actually a bit happy. Along with the picture was a note.

Dear Jade Payne, I would like to ask you a few questions about your previous relationship with my son Damon. Damon was arrested earlier this month on a drug charge but he had warrants out for his arrest for abusing his then girlfriend. I would like to know if my son had ever laid his hands on you. Your information will be kept anonymous. I will send you another letter before the month is over about where to meet me.

The letter was signed by a woman named Julia. I had never met Damon's mother, and after almost two years, I wanted nothing to do with it. "Who's it from?" Emily asked.

"It's nothing." I replied quickly. "Nothing but more drama."

"I can't do this." Harry suddenly snapped. "I can't do this anymore."

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked as I turned to him. "You've been acting strange for the last two days."

"I'm going home." Harry said, ignoring me completely.

Harry turned away and walked back to his vehicle, he put Aurora in her car seat and I stood behind him. "Babe, we need to talk."

"We don't need to talk about anything, stop making everything about you."

"But I'm not."

"Yes! Yes, you are. Do me a favor, yeah? Quit being such a nosey b*itch." He replied before running around the vehicle and entering his vehicle.

"Harry!" I screamed, trying to get his attention but he ignored me and started up the vehicle and seconds later drove away.

A/N: Hi babes! I finally was able to go to the dentist, I got two teeth pulled and my entire left side of my face is swollen at the moment. Hopefully the swelling will go down in a few days. Thank you to those whom were concerned.

Trivia of the chapter:
1.) Why does Anne detest Jade? (There are multiple answers to this question.)
2.) How many characters within this story are gay or bisexual?
3.) What was Samantha's last name and how did she die?
4.) What was is the main song to this story, Desolation?

Chapter dedicated to jordanmicheala

I love you all.

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