"don't you think that's enough?" {ᴀᴋᴀᴀsʜɪ ᴋᴇɪᴊɪ}

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𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕
eyes almost giving up, akaashi was trying to keep himself awake; he wanted to be done with these pages of his manga before he went to bed so he can rest easily and assured, but he was only human and needed sleep.

and he knew that more than anyone that this is bad for his health for he recalled the times when he would talk to bokuto about staying up with kuroo for games and fun; even staying up for work wasn't okay, akaashi believed that health was more important than anything, but he seemed to be lost in work that he forgot that too.

he started massaging his temples getting frustrated at being unable to come up with anything more than he already had done, but he was surprised by the gentle hand that was placed on his. he looked slowly to his side to find you sitting beside him gazing into his eyes tiredly.

you rubbed your thumb across his hand and raised it to your lips giving it a chaste kiss; akaashi's heart beat increased as a reaction for despite all the time he has spent with you, he couldn't seem to get used to your affection and so his face was painted with a red hue.

"don't you think that's enough for today, keiji?" you mumbled tiredly for you have also been awake for a long time as well, but refused to sleep without your lover; that was something akaashi highly appreciated as he saw that acts of service were a proof of love more than anything.

he smiled gently and took off his glasses placing it on his sketch; he turned to you bringing your hand to his lips kissing your palm as a return gift for what you did before and said "i believe so, i missed you either ways." he analyzed your tired form a bit then softly asked "can you walk or can I carry you?"

akaashi hoped it was the latter, he loved having you in his arms in any way, shape or form; it was comforting to him for some reason, it doesn't matter if he was the one to be held or the one to hold, your embrace was always heaven to him.

and so he carried you to your shared bed and placed you on it hushedly then kissed your temple later on joining you after he had changed, he cradled you in his arms tenderly and smiled one last time before muttering a small 'i love you' contently entering his land of dreams to be greeted again with your bright smile in it; not that he was complaining.

"𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢" ❣︎Haikyuu!! Oneshots❣︎Where stories live. Discover now