RaWr? {ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ}

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
You, yes you are the girlfriend of the infamous salty lamppost also called Tsukishima Kei.

Today was like any other day but you were preparing a tiny surprise for your ever so "sweet" bf. We all know how Kei loves dinosaurs, right? Your idea was basically related to that specific topic.

You and Kei planned on having a sleepover at your house today and you were preparing everything which is exactly why you are on the ground right now ✨

\Your POV/
'God...that took so much, WAY TOO MUCH EFFORT' I stood up rapidly and yelled "I HAVE LOST ALL MY ENERG-" as I fall back again and feel very dizzy (You know when that happens?-)

"God damn it" I grumble as I wait until I can stand straight again then I head to my closet. 'I am sure I put it here somewhere..and..' "AHA!" I take out the dinosaur onsie I have picked to surprise Kei with because I know that he likes, wait no scratch that LOVES dinosaurs but he doesn't show it, hopefully I will get a good reaction out of him when he sees me in it.

*Ding dong* OH SHIT HE IS HERE, I rapidly put on the onsie then run downstairs and head to the door. I slowly open it and stand behind it so I can jump behind him. "Hey Y/N, where?-"RAWWWWWWRR"

\Kei's POV/
I suddenly feel a heavy weight on my shoulder, I look back to see my girlfriend in a... dinosaur onsie.

This damn pipsqueak, what the- she looks adorable but ofc I can never say that after all I am "the salty tsukishima Kei".

I sigh and look in front of me to avoid her seeing my blushing face "What the hell are you doing, you idiot?"

I sigh and look in front of me to avoid her seeing my blushing face "What the hell are you doing, you idiot?"

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(Fanart doesn't belong to me if you know the owner plz tell me ^^)

She pouts cutely and says "Oh come onnn Keiiiii, I wanted to surprise ur salty ass and so I did sooooo DO YOU LIKE IT?!" as she smiles widely. This girl will be the death of me- "No"

she gasps loudly and lets go resulting in her falling on her butt "KEI HOW COULD YOU" she puffs her cheek out adding to her cuteness so I sit on the floor infront of her and...

\Your POV/
Kei kisses my forehead quickly and pats my head then looks away and says "Y-you look cute" I instantly tackle him to the ground with a wide smile on my face

"KEI I LOVEEE YOUUUUUUU" He strokes my hair gently and says "Yeah yeah...Let's go and start the sleepover I am sure your clumsy self messed everything up" he quickly gets up and leaves me laying on the ground ever so dumbfounded

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day 🥺❤️

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