"Can I play with your hair?" {ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ}

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𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

After hours of hearing balls slamming to the ground and running around setting to his friends, Oikawa was beat and ready to go home.

He didn't even think about staying after practice for he wanted nothing more right now than the embrace of his beloved.

He gathered his stuff after training then bid his teammates farewell and started running towards your house, would you still be waiting for him?

He shook that thought off with a smile as he recalled all the nights that have passed, you always waited for him despite him telling you not to. Maybe your stubbornness is one of the things he adored a lot about you.

The creaking of the door snapped him out his daydream, how did he get here? He wasn't even paying attention. He sighed lovingly and entered the house and he was greeted with the smell of your cooking.

He headed to the kitchen then threw his arms around you "HI MY BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!" You giggled and ruffled his hair "Hi Tooru, how was practice?" He kept hugging you while letting out a muffled 'good'.

He then ate the food you made him with delight and satisfaction plastered on his face. Everything you made for him made him feel in heaven, everything you made and did always had this aura of love and care. It felt like home.

"Say angel, can I play with your hair?"

You tilted your head at his question and asked one of your own "Why right now?" He rubbed his neck shyly and replied "Well the past days you've looked tired and I know that me playing with your hair helps you relax most of the time; IF YOU DONT WANT TO ITS FINE THOUGH-"

This is who Tooru was with you, as much as confidence and pride flows in him even with his own share on insecurities that you managed to keep at bay and reassure him about. He can never keep his composure around you and is afraid to do something that would make you hate him or feel uncomfortable.

You ruffled his hair and said calming his nerves "It's alright, Tooru. And yes you can but I will have to play with yours later as well, 'kay?" He nodded enthusiastically then started running towards the sofa only to stop in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" You questioned. You found him returning to the table once again and heading to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

He never preferred stuff to be unorganized after all, and it just played to his wish of not always making you take care of the house.

You guys then sat on the couch with your head in his tummy and his fingers like smooth silk in your hair. Tooru knew how you liked it and made sure to make it extra comfy for you.

"How does it feel, angel?" He murmured as his soft voice slowly lured you to sleep, after all you have been tired all day. You lazily raised a thumbs up making him chuckle while planting a kiss to the top of your head.

He then was met with a silence filled with your steady breathing, his hand never stopping even while you are asleep. Who said that comfort and soothing touches are only to be done in the awakening or conscious state of someone?

"Sweet dreams, baby." He said before he welcomed sleep with open arms and a closed heart that you now owned.

"𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢" ❣︎Haikyuu!! Oneshots❣︎Where stories live. Discover now