HE IS UR WHAT?! {ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ}

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➪I don't own this wonderful art but if you know the artist please tell me so I can credit them ^^

𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
First one shot let's start XD

Before you transferred to Karasuno you were with Kageyama and Oikawa in Kitagawa Daiichi Junior school

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Before you transferred to Karasuno you were with Kageyama and Oikawa in Kitagawa Daiichi Junior school. You are really good friends with Kageyama and he truly respects you a lot.

You have been friends with Oikawa since childhood pretty much. You, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were an inseparable trio until the day you had to move to Karasuno.

Oikawa was devastated when he heard the terrible news for he had the biggest crush on you since childhood so he confessed to you and that's how it went:
It was the day before the last day of school and Oikawa was determined to confess to you so he asked you to meet him on the rooftop (pretty cliche, right? XD) after classes and so you did.

\Your POV/

When I arrived there I saw Oikawa's back facing me so I called out for him "Oikawa?"
He turns quickly and hides something behind his back and says "O-O-OH HEY L/N-CHAN"

I tilt my head confused "Is something wrong" he starts swaying nervously and says " W-well I wanted to t-tell you something" I smile in hope of reassuring him because he looks so nervous (Little did you know Reader-chan you made the child more flustered because of how beautiful your smile is 🥺❤️).


he squeezed his eyes shut while offering a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers.

I cover my mouth and start tearing up, Oikawa opens his eyes slowly and looks at me with wide eyes and says "W-WHY ARE YOU CRYING" I hug him tightly but still careful not to break the chocolate and ruin the flowers, I smile widely and say "You have no idea how happy I am".

Oikawa smiles a genuinely happy smile and hugs back and says "Even if you are moving school I won't stop talking to you, I promise"

-Time skip to now-
\2nd Person POV/

It was the day when Karasuno was having a practice match with Aoba Johsai.

You became the manager of the Karasuno Team along with Shimizu, Both of you got along really good and she pretty much treats you like her little sister because you are a second year.

Your personality is so lovable and you get along with the boys pretty well even Tsukishima ( oya oya? Reader-chan is getting dem boys ;) ).

Moving on to after the practice match, Oikawa was standing beside the gate talking to the Karasuno boys.

\Your POV/

I just came out of the bathroom walking to the boys seeing Tooru pointing at Tobio saying "Because I want to pulverize my dear underclassmen, setter-on-setter, in an official match".

I sigh and walk up to them and say "Tooru stop being an asshole to Tobio" Tooru chuckled then poses sassily and replied with "Oh come F/N-chan aren't you supposed to support your wonderful and unbelievably handsome boyfriend?"

The team looks at me speechless with wide eyes except Tobio silently for some time. Hinata was the first to break the silence saying
"L/N-CHAN YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND" and Tanaka says "LET ALONE THIS GUY" with one of the most disgusted looks I have seen on his face.

I chuckle and say "Guys he is not that bad, he is actually a great boyfriend also Tobio you didn't tell them?" I look curiously at him as he looks to the side and says "Well it's your personal life and I didn't want to tell them incase you were uncomfortable with them knowing..". I run to Tobio and hug him and say "What did I do deserve to meet someone like you"

Kageyama got a little flustered at the form of affection much to Tooru's dismay so he frowns and pulls me into his arms and wraps them around me protectively and says "Anyways now you know that this perfect angel is mine so you better not make a move on her or I will hit you till you break" he then kisses my cheek as he smiles not so innocently while I chuckle at the reference.

The team brushes it off then Sugawara looks at me curiously and asks
"Okay but L/N why didn't you tell us about him?" I shrug and say "You never asked" Daichi chuckles and responding with "Reasonable enough"

I hold Tooru's hand and say "Well Guys I will walk home with Tooru if you don't mind" while scratching my cheek shyly, Suga smiles widely and raises a thumbs up then says " Its okay! Go ahead and enjoy your bfs company!"

I smile about to bid my goodbyes but Tooru pulls me by the hand and we start walking home.

Tooru suddenly stopped which made me confused, he turns back to me looking very seriously and says "F/N-chan.." "y-yeah?"

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him ever so tightly and cries out saying "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I HATED SEEING YOU WITH THOSE KARATSUNOS" then he kept showering my face with kisses and I giggle

"But at least we are gonna spend some time together now, right?" I smile sweetly at him, as a response he grins widely and jumps excitedly and says "YES YES F/N-CHAN LETS HAVE A SLEEPOVER AND CUDDLE FOREVER" "LETS GOOOOOO".

And so we spent the day cuddling watching movies.

I hope this was good XD
Fun fact I imagined this scenario multiple times 😌
Anyways have a nice day 🥺❤️

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