Get down {sᴀᴋᴜsᴀ ᴋʏᴏᴏᴍɪ}

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"Y/N Get down"

"N o"

"You are making my couch filthy with your nasty feet"

"I don't care"


There you were bickering with your clean freak boyfriend refusing to get off his couch.

Basically, you were going through the day when you are super hyped and nothing can stop you from doing anything.

That's why exactly why you refuse to let go of your throne and stand on the ground, oh, and also there was a spider but you didn't want to tell sakusa because you knew he would probably burn the whole house down because of it.

"Y/N I am serious get down"

You aggressively shook your head causing the male to sigh and stand on the couch with you. Your face light up when you saw what he did

"aww Sakusa you-" you were immediately pushed off the couch into a pile of pillows on the ground "Dirty" he complained as he got down and sprayed his couch.

Then to find the secret you have been hiding, there was the spider standing ever so gloriously on the cushion of the couch, causing Sakusa to rush towards his kitchen and get everything he needed to kill the cursed spider leaving you and the creature alone, you screamed as the spider was approaching you and closed your eyes for your death until


You opened your eyes to find the spider crushed under a broom then you look to see the holder was Sakusa so as you were going to give a hug to your Prince Charming he stopped you and said

"No, shower first then you can hug plus I need to disinfect this place."

You nodded and made your way to the shower.

You came out to see your boyfriend glaring at his couch as if he was scolding it so you approached slowly and called out for him "Omi?" His glare softened as he turned to you and asked "Did you shower?"

You shook your head in agreement as you said "Can I hug you now?" A small smile graced the lips of the male as he approached you and hugged you causing you to giggle and hug him back nuzzling yourself into his chest when he spoke

"I love you, you damn germ" you frowned at the nickname then looked at him and glared while he nodded and rolled his eyes "Okay okay my beautiful damn germ now stop looking at me like that."

"𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢" ❣︎Haikyuu!! Oneshots❣︎Where stories live. Discover now