Live {ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ}

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

Oikawa is addicted to social media and it was obvious. He would always take selfies with you or videos and post them in every app he knows.

Almost all of your dates had photos posted about them. Today was no difference. Oikawa and you were having a sleepover and you guys were currently cuddling.

Both in your pjs and with messy hair, pretty much like you guys just woke up but that didn't stop Oikawa from his next action.

He took out his phone and started a live on insta still looking at the camera "Yahoo~!" He greeted as he smiled brightly and continued "as you can see here I am with my perfect angel Y/N"

he looked down lovingly at you and saw how focused you were on the tv that you didn't notice he was recording. He chuckled and looked at the comments.

Iwazumi:Shittykawa, do you really have to share whatever you guys are doing 24/7?

Matssun:I am surprised she still didn't notice

Makki:blackmail bois

Kindaichi: Why are we here?

Kunimi: Talk about overdoing PDA

The brunette scoffed as he said pouting "You guys are just jealous I have this beautiful, kind, amazing, sweet, perfect angel as my girlfriend"

you looked up to oikawa thinking he was talking to himself again but only to be surprised by the fact he was going live and you were with your bed hair.

"TOORU YOU TRAITOR" You jump out of his arms in attempt to snatch his phone away but he dodges and sits properly causing you to fall like a ruler on his lap.

The setter laughed lightly and started stroking your head as he faced the camera again. "ISNT SHE JUST ADORABLE JUST LOOK" he said pointing the camera at you, little did he know that the adorable girl said

"Oh how i can't wait to drag you across the house and torture your flat ass-" and you stopped once you noticed the camera "uhhhhhh welcome to chilis?" Oikawa was just looking at you dumbfounded while the comments were just almost everyone wheezing.




Kindaichi: Oikawa-san are you okay?

Kunimi: This has become entertaining, plz continue

The brunette just looked at you as he was planning something, and he was.

Oikawa pulled you to sit properly on his lap before "Tooru what are yo-" he started making out with you. Live. You tried to resist but he was completely in control.



Matssun: Kindaichi, Kunimi get out of here

A good 10 minutes later the setter let you go and smirked at your beet red face "Did you like it Y/N?" You nodded shyly and buried your face in his chest to avoid anymore embarrassment.

"Well bye guys~" chirped Oikawa as he closed the live and turned his attention to you as he chuckled and kissed your head "You really are adorable Y/N-chan!".

"𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢" ❣︎Haikyuu!! Oneshots❣︎Where stories live. Discover now