Prove to you {ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏᴏʀᴜ}

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𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
(c/n) is country name btw ❤️

I am a wing spiker in my team and today we are supposed to be to have some guests.
Our coach had called a team from Japan to come and play as well as train with us here in (c/n) and god am I excited!

He said it's a boys team from a school there called Aoba Johsai? Speaking of them here comes the coach with their coach.

Seijoh's coach approaches us with a smile and says "Hello young ladies, it's a pleasure to finally meet you guys and I have heard a lot about you guys especially you Y/N" my teammates cheered stuff like

"That's our captain!" And "You go, girl!" He then introduced someone "So ladies this is Oikawa Tooru the captain of the boys' team you will train with for this year"

Then an incredibly handsome brunette stepped in front of me with a handsome smile and took his hand out for me to shake it "Yahoo~ I am Oikawa, it's wonderful to meet you" I smiled back and shook his hand

"Nice to meet you too I am-" "Y/N I know, I have heard a lot about you and honestly I expected something but hell did I get more than I expected"

he leaned in suddenly with a smirk  "You are gorgeous" not a second passes and a volleyball is spiked onto Oikawa's head by a sharp-looking guy who said, "Hi the name is Iwaizumi Hajime" I smiled and said, "Y/N L/N" then the coaches called for our attention.

Our coach said "So we are going to divide into training pairs a boy from Seijoh with one of you girls here is the list" he handed us the list and each one searched for her name and then I found mine and it was with:

Y/N L/N with Oikawa Tooru

I heard something slide towards me so I turn around to see Oikawa "Looks like we are stuck together this year!"

As time passed by every training we would play and talk with each other, muck around, sometimes jokingly flirt; It was honestly enjoyable not to mention how good his sets were and how easy they were to spiker and I found out he isn't just a pretty face, Oikawa is actually pretty insecure and really reliable.

Honestly, even though he thinks he is not good enough, in my eyes he is perfectly imperfect but I know even if I do like him I can't tell him. I am banned from dating so my feelings will never reach him.

\3rd POV/
Y/N was completely oblivious to how Oikawa felt towards her despite how she likes him. The great Oikawa Tooru was head over heels for her.

Everything she did mesmerized him, from the way she talks, laughs, walks, and encourages people to the crack head energy of hers that she is comfortable enough to release around him which made him feel special.

He was beyond happy to see that she is comfortable enough to joke carefreely with him.

The brunette had decided to go and confess to the wonderful young lady that clouded his thoughts on the day before the day he and his team left.

However, he didn't expect that the news of you being not allowed to date to reach him so late but that didn't stop him.

He called you after the training to meet behind the gym and confessed his undying feelings for you.

\Your POV/
I was shocked as soon as the words "I love you" came at the end of Oikawa's speech. I couldn't believe it, he really likes me? But I shook these thoughts quickly and said "How am I supposed to be sure about that?"

He looked shocked and didn't say anything so I continued "These are just words that one can say anytime and anywhere, how can I know these words are genuine? Prove it to me! Prove you truly love me if you do!"

By the end of my talk tears were already running down my face.

He then approached me with a soft look and held my hand and looked into my eyes with sincerity and said "I promise you Y/N I will prove to you and the whole world that I love you, I will make them accept us whether they want it or not and if I need to wait until we are both old enough to get married then I will, I just wanted to let you know this before we leave"

I smiled softly trying to wipe my tears then I heard a stutter "H-hey can I h-have a hug at least before I leave?"

I giggled and hugged him tightly and he returned the hug with tears slowly running down his face staining my shirt. I wonder if he will actually be a man of his words.

~3 Years Later~
Honestly, I didn't expect it but all this time I and Oikawa kept in touch, always texting and calling and having fun even miles apart.

I dunno why but I thought of him when I saw the package of milk bread I left on the counter, a smile graced my lips as I remember the idiotic brunette then I suddenly hear someone ringing my doorbell.

I head to the door and slowly open the door and what I found was expected, It was Oikawa in a white suit with a red velvet box inside it a ring of diamond and a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

My eyes get watery as he gently pulls me out of the house and what I see is my house has been decorated with led lights and a chart with words I always wanted to hear from him

"Will you marry me?"
I turned back to him and I saw him with one of the softest and most genuine smiles that has ever been present on his pretty face and said "So will you?"

I nodded furiously as he slowly made me put on the ring and gently handing me the bouquet then pulling me close to him and asking "So Soon to be Mrs.Oikawa, can I kiss you?"

~ ~
Soon then a tender kiss was shared by the newly engaged couple under the led light and the sky of their love.

"𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢" ❣︎Haikyuu!! Oneshots❣︎Where stories live. Discover now