Didnt Change {ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ}

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

The sunlight creeping through the curtains lighting up the room of the old couple.

Both of them sitting on the couch watching their grandchildren play in front of them. Truly a heart warming sight.

One of the kids approached their grandpa and asked him "Hey grandpa, why do you have wrinkles?"

The said old man furrowed his eyebrows and replied with " Why do you have diapers?" The kid stayed silent and ran to play with his siblings and cousins.

The old lady sitting beside the man giggled and said "You haven't changed a bit, Kei".

"KEI LOOK LOOK" said the girl jumping around pulling on the hand of her lover "Y/N calm down-" the male didn't even get to complete his sentence as he was pulled into a Ferris wheel.

They both sat down waiting for the wheel to start moving, the blonde sighed and said "You are so childish" the girl giggled and held his arm leaning her head on his shoulder as they were watching the night sky.

Kei looked down at his lover mesmerized by her, even after 9 years of being together she never failed to make his heart beat quicken, he held her a little tighter and looked at the sky.

Their cart then stopped at the very top which made Kei unwillingly remove himself from her embrace as she looked at the man standing in front of her, dumb founded she asked "Kei, what's wrong?" The said male cleared his throat and started

" I am not usually open about my feelings so you better listen carefully to what I am gonna say cause I am never saying it again, Y/N ever since you stepped into my life you changed it completely, you basically brightened up my life, made it fun, there wasn't a dull moment since you came, even after all this time we have been together my heart still beats like crazy when you touch me in any way"

he held her wrist and rested her hand on his heart as she felt his quick heart beat causing her to smile softly while he continued " I really can't imagine my life without you anymore, and I won't accept it without you so Y/N L/N, will you marry me?"

There he stood in front of the girl on one knee with a red velvet box in his hand inside it a diamond ring for his 9 years long lover that he chose to continue his life and afterlife with.

"YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES" said the girl as she jumped on the male, both crying tears of joy as they got lost in each other embrace too happy to even move.

The old man smirked and said " Neither did you Y/N, you are still the same childish girl I fell in love with long ago" she was about to reply with something sweet until

" Such a shame you didn't even mature a little even though you are 78" he winked as he finished his sentence causing a tick mark to appear on the old lady's forehead as she called out

"KIDS GRANDPA WANTS TO PLAY WITH YOU" the man looked at his wife betrayed as 9 kids jumped on him causing the the old lady to smirk in victory as her husband was under a pile of kids.

"𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢" ❣︎Haikyuu!! Oneshots❣︎Where stories live. Discover now