Reality {ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʀᴏ}

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

You were crawling behind the walls the Shinzen Highschool so you can sneak in. Why?

Because you were boyfriend was in there and these walls were the only thing keeping you away from him was them so as you found a part of the wall with nothing in front of it giving you the freedom of climbing.

As you got to the top of it you looked around to check if someone was around then getting ready to jump until "Y/N?"

You yelped as you fell forward hitting the ground and grumbled "Ughh so much for not being caught" you heard a male's chuckle as you looked up to see your one and only rooster head, he smirked as he looked at you

"Did you miss me that much that you would sneak in?" You got up and straightened your clothes as you hugged him silently.

The middle blocker looked down at you shocked as he expected a sassy remark not a loving sweet gesture as he returned the hug and stroked your hair while you spoke "Can we go somewhere where I won't get caught?"

He chuckled, held your hand and led you to a gymnasium, the gymnasium that bokuto, tsukishima, akaashi, hinata and lev were in to be exact.

Once he entered he introduced you "Oi guys this is my girlfriend Y/N and she will be watching us"

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and asked "How did she get in here?" You fake coughed as you looked to the other side while akaashi sighed and said

"Y/N you sneaked in didn't you?" Kuroo petted your hair as he looked at akaashi completely blowing up your cover while you were getting dejected and mumbled "Akaashi you didn't have to expose me like that"

Akaashi just blankly stared at you as bokuto ran to you and hugged you "Y/NNNNNN KUROO HAS BEEN BULLYING ME" bokuto complained causing a tick mark to appear on kuroo as he scolded the owl "SHUT UP I DIDNT DO SHIT TO YOU"

Bokuto looked hurt as he pointed at kuroo and looked at you "SEE?!" you shrug and say "I mean he can do whatever he want as long as he-" you couldn't even get to finish your sentence as kuroo pulled you into a kiss only to pull back again and asked excitedly "Did you get it?"

You giggled as you patted his cheek and nodded causing kuroo to smile wider than before.

Hinata standing there dumbfounded and questioned "get what?"

You smile as you get out the science book and pass it to kuroo as he immediately took it and hid it in his bag then came back and hugged you tightly as he kept thanking you while you were stroking his bed hair.

Everyone was just looking at you guys waiting for the lovey dovey moment to stop so they can continue playing volleyball while they didn't expect that kuroo would wave a goodbye to them and take you and his bag by the hand then walk you outside fangirling about the book you got him.

While you were smiling softly knowing that everyone thought that the scheming captain was a smug and dirty, flirt but in reality he was just a crackhead and a science lover.

I love canon kuroo 🥺❤️

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